It has been 7 years since our nation was infected by the festering boil of Trumpism. We have seen a major political party deteriorate into a cabal of cowards and cultists. Formerly rock-solid conservative leaders have been stripped of any mask of boldness, and reduced to fawning lackies, in service to the most corrupt, ignorant, and unqualified miscreant to ever run for public office.
I would say they should be ashamed of themselves, but they’ve shown no capacity for the very human emotion of shame. It’s all about who can bend the knee, prove themselves most subservient to an authoritarian master, and by doing so, win over the commoners who clamor for this King of Fools to take his throne.
For those of us who have made our stand for principle, eschewing both major parties and forging our own way, it can be a lonely and frustrating road. Our political climate, as it now stands, demands you choose a side. Refusal to do so will not win you many friends. Words like “principle” seem great to them, in theory, but tend to chaff, when they see them in actual practice.
Will we ever see a return to sane, serious leadership in this nation, again?
I guess “sane” and “serious” are pretty subjective terms, these days. I’m not saying these leaders don’t exist. They do, though rare, and far in between. They take a risk, with both their political future, and their safety, should they dare speak up against the mango messiah.
I’ve seen for myself how unwilling Donald Trump’s devotees are, when it comes to listening to anything negative towards him. I’ve also seen conservative cohorts, all who I’ve considered to be “sane” and “serious,” in regards to their political stances, choose to remain blind to the dangers of Trumpism, because they, like too many others, see only two sides: Republicans and the enemies of freedom. They’ll align themselves with all the rot of Trumpism, while claiming to see its flaws.
It's times like these that I truly doubt the survival of our republic. We, as a society, may be beyond saving.
We’ve got people on one side that don’t know the difference between a man and a woman, but know that which ever one gets pregnant, should be able to kill the baby in the womb, at will.
The other side elected halfwits and criminals, like Trump, Boebert, and Gaetz, and blabber on about dead celebrities rising from the grave to be zombie vice presidents, or some such nonsense.
Where is our glimmer of hope?
I don’t know, but as a general rule, I do prefer to look for any spark of good news, so here it is:
According to a recent poll, the televised January 6 Committee hearings may be reaching some people. That cultish wall of ignorance built around the Branch Trumpidian compound may have some cracks, after all.
A new poll from Reuters and Ipsos revealed that 32% of Republicans believe Trump should not run for president again in 2024. This is 6 percentage points higher than was reported in the same poll in June, when only 26% of Republicans said he shouldn't make a 2024 bid.
While still a far smaller number than we should all hope to see, any movement upward is a good sign.
The argument I keep hearing from Trump loyalists is that no one is watching the hearings. The numbers would say otherwise. Last Thursday’s prime time hearing had a viewership of nearly 18 million.
The second argument I hear is that the hearings are “one sided.” This may be true, in part. While the committee, itself, is bipartisan, the vast majority of those testifying are Republicans. Most of them are – or were – Trump supporters and even former staff.
And here are some more numbers to consider:
The newest poll, conducted between July 20-21 and surveying 1,005 adults, also revealed that only 38% of Republicans view Trump as "very favorable."
No word as it if they asked if Republicans viewed Trump as lord and savior.
More Republicans also now believe that "Trump is at least partly to blame for starting the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol," with 40% saying they agree with the statement. In June, only 33% reported agreeing with the sentiment.
That’s big news, especially as there has been some talk regarding Trump’s culpability, on that day, and if he can be charged. Of course, sentiment won’t be what brings charges. I think for anything to stick, the case must be made, the exact charge brought, and the Department of Justice must be put on notice.
That’s where the January 6 hearings become important. The committee is making its case before the public, and there have been so many bombshells to emerge, anyone who values our republic has to take notice.
My fear is that if the DOJ chooses to do nothing with the information coming from these hearings, it will only embolden further acts of sedition and rebellion. Will Republicans care if the next attack on our government is from the other side?
Another number from the poll suggests that the majority of those polled (57%) feel that the gathering at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was, overall, intended to be a peaceful gathering. They may be right. I know people who were there, who only wanted to go defend Donald Trump (as lost and politically pointless, as that may have been). They didn’t storm the Capitol. They didn’t see how ugly and violent things got.
Between now and 2024, I hope to see more of a shift away from Trump. He needs to be put out to pasture, and sanity needs to be restored. As long as he’s keeping the waters muddied, lying about the 2020 election, demanding an entire political party kiss his ring – we will not recover.
As a people, we either reject Trumpism, or push for another party, one that can reform a broken system, and restore sanity to public discourse.
Do the polls show Trump-fatigue?
We should all pray so.