Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump took to the stage last night for their first and possibly only debate. It wasn’t pretty.
It wasn’t ugly in the way that the June debate between President Biden and Trump was ugly. That was ugly on both sides with Biden’s raspy voice and weak stature shocking much of the country - including congressional Democrats - contrasted with Trump’s confident-but-delusional view of the world. No, this was ugly in the sense that one of the candidates was beaten unmercifully by the other. (Debate transcript here)
Kamala Harris exuded confidence from the moment that she walked onto the stage. She went straight to the lectern where Donald Trump stood and introduced herself, putting forward her hand. From there, he danced to her tune almost the whole night.
It did take Harris a few minutes to find her footing. She notably didn’t give a straight answer to the first question, are voters better off than four years ago, instead presenting some of her economic plans.
And Trump did have a few good jabs. Early in the debate, he pointed out that Harris’s policy proposals are often similar to his and joked that he should send her a MAGA hat.
But Trump could not stay on message. Harris put out the bait and Trump took it every time. It all started when Harris poked Trump about the size of the crowds at his rallies. On a subsequent question about immigration, one of his strongest areas, Trump jumped back onto the topic of rally crowds, a topic that only matters to him.
It went like that for the rest of the night. Harris played the tune and Trump danced to it.
The low point of the debate - probably the lowest point in any debate I’ve watched - was when Trump latched onto the discredited internet claim that illegal immigrants are killing and eating pets.
“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs,” Trump said in what will go down in history as the most bizarre presidential debate quote ever. “The people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.”
The body language at this point was classic. Trump addressed the camera with his old-man-yelling-at-kids-on-the-lawn scowl while Kamala laughed at him. This didn’t seem to be a rehearsed laugh that candidates often do on the split screen to denote disagreement with what’s being said. This was a genuine WTF-I-can’t-believe-he’s-saying-this laugh.
From here on out, Kamala seemed to have fun while Trump seemed frustrated and angry. The Former Guy grew red-faced while the vice president scored point after point.

The claim about the dogs and cats was quickly fact-checked. There have been no reports of immigrants killing these household pets, although the Federalist claims to have police reports about Haitians killing geese in Ohio.
If there’s any doubt, a post on the platform formerly known as Twitter by Erick Erickson confirmed not only that the claim was a lie (although Trump could use the George Costanza defense that it’s not a lie if you believe it) but that it damaged Trump immeasurably.
In an uncharacteristically all-caps and unhinged post, Erickson wrote:
After that, it was all over. Harris scored point after point on Trump’s tax hikes, his threat to democracy, and his lack of fitness to lead while Trump did himself no favors.
Another very damaging moment came early in the debate on the question of abortion. Trump attempted to deflect JD Vance’s claim that he would veto a national abortion ban while still trying to maintain a pro-life image. He also waded into the IVF controversy. I don’t think he did himself any good here and likely damaged his stance with his own base more than he helped himself with moderates.
Trump also weakened his running mate here, throwing him under the bus by saying, “I didn't discuss it with JD” even though Vance claimed to know Trump’s thinking on the issue.
A final important moment came on Ukraine. Trump couldn’t say that he wanted Ukraine to win and waffled on how he would end the war quickly without simply handing the country over to Vladimir Putin. Harris savaged him in response, sounding a lot like a Reagan-Bush Republican.
“The reason that Donald Trump says that this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give it up. And that’s not who we are as Americans,” Harris responded.
“Understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military alliance the world has ever known, which is NATO,” she added before twisting the knife by saying, “Why don't you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch?”
This was not a policy debate. Trump failed to press home the attack on Harris’s weaknesses such as immigration, inflation, and the Afghan withdrawal.
This was a debate about whether Donald Trump was fit to serve as commander-in-chief, and Trump failed to make the case that he could handle the job. Ironically, the convicted felon was taken apart by a former prosecutor in a cross-examination reminiscent of Perry Mason or Matlock tricking a witness into confessing on the stand.
On the policy front, Trump attacked Kamala, who has been in the race for less than two months, for not having detailed plans for her policies, but a more telling moment was when the moderators asked Trump about Obamacare.
“So just a yes or no, you still do not have a plan?” asked Linsey Davis.
“I have concepts of a plan,” Trump replied. “I'm not president right now. But if we come up with something I would only change it if we come up with something better and less expensive. And there are concepts and options we have to do that. And you'll be hearing about it in the not-too-distant future.”
Folks, Trump was promising a health care plan for his entire four years in office. He’s had another four years after leaving office to refine his “concept of a plan.” He has no plan. He’s not going to have a plan. The depths of his unpreparedness were astounding.
Having said that, Trump’s performance was not as bad as Biden’s in June. Trump won’t be forced out of the race. Republicans don’t have the time or influence over their candidate even if they had the inclination, which I doubt they do. Trump will finish the race, but Biden lost the presidency at the June debate and Donald Trump lost the presidency last night.
I’ll add a word about the moderators here. It is a debate tradition for the losing side to complain about the moderators. Democrats did it in June and Republicans were doing it last night. There is always some justification for the complaints, but I think candidate quality matters a lot. When a candidate demands as much attention as Donald Trump with his whoppers, it’s easy to let Harris’s smaller fibs and misstatements slide by.
For years, I’ve heard that debates don’t matter. For years, they didn’t. But now we have had two of the most consequential debates in our history within three months of each other. We live in interesting times, as the purported ancient Chinese curse says.
Harris was absolutely right that there is a stark difference between the choices. Trump is looking back and looking out mostly for himself. Harris is looking ahead to the future, even if I don’t completely agree with her vision.
It will still be a close race because we are a narrowly divided nation, but I believe that Harris’s performance last need will give her the boost that she needs to close the deal in the swing states (or at least enough of them to carry the Electoral College). Despite the spin, it’s difficult for anyone to watch last night's debate and argue that Trump should be president for another four years.
THE SWIFT VOTE: This morning after the debate, Taylor Swift endorsed Kamala Harris for president on Instagram, referring to herself as a “childless cat lady.”
VANCE AND THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: The difference between the two sides was underscored with a new video of JD Vance saying that if he had been vice president in 2020, he would have asked the states for alternate slates of electors. This unconstitutional act was what Pence refused to do would likely have led to widespread political violence. Elections and democracy are at risk with Trump-Vance.
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There you go again David, complementing trump. Kidding, but a nod to recognizing trump didn't suck as bad as Joe did in the first debate. Actually, when you think about it objectively, he was pretty much the same scowling face, the same angry rhetoric and the same tired lies. The difference of course was this time when he stepped in his own shit pile, Harris made him face-plant in it.
Every time!
It was an amazing display by Harris, as the days of prep clearly showed. On the other hand, trump munching a cheeseburger and dreaming of club golf championships did little to get him ready. America, the rest of the world, (other than a few scattered dictators and authoritarians; how about that Orban guy endorsing trump?) have to be at the end of the rope with the angry old man.
Time to move on folks, trump and his ilk should be nowhere near the white house...not even to visit.
Transcripts don't do it justice: it's worth watching to really capture the full effect. So for those that didn't watch, you can do so here: