Until facts matter more than feelings I hold out no hope for our nation. And that makes me feel sick to my stomach. It makes me scared for the nation my grandchildren will grow up in. Thank you for a thoughtful post this more. I know those of us that rely on evidence and facts are out there. I just wish our voices were louder and not drowned out by conspiracies.
Everything you stated may be perfectly accurate, but I do think it is prudent to be very protective of the election process. The 2000 presidential election showed how just a few hundred votes in a large state could swing the electoral college. I haven't spent much time fretting about 2000 mules because, once the states certified their elections, it was over. Trump would not be president. Maybe a conspiracy involving 2000 people in a nation of 350 million would be difficult (but not impossible) to keep secret. Depending on the issues and demographic changes, some players might decide it would be worth a try to swing the vote by illegal means. Already the Pennsylvania Secretary of State has instructed local officials to follow a vacated court ruling regarding invalid ballots.
Until facts matter more than feelings I hold out no hope for our nation. And that makes me feel sick to my stomach. It makes me scared for the nation my grandchildren will grow up in. Thank you for a thoughtful post this more. I know those of us that rely on evidence and facts are out there. I just wish our voices were louder and not drowned out by conspiracies.
Everything you stated may be perfectly accurate, but I do think it is prudent to be very protective of the election process. The 2000 presidential election showed how just a few hundred votes in a large state could swing the electoral college. I haven't spent much time fretting about 2000 mules because, once the states certified their elections, it was over. Trump would not be president. Maybe a conspiracy involving 2000 people in a nation of 350 million would be difficult (but not impossible) to keep secret. Depending on the issues and demographic changes, some players might decide it would be worth a try to swing the vote by illegal means. Already the Pennsylvania Secretary of State has instructed local officials to follow a vacated court ruling regarding invalid ballots.