
My primary vote is well in my rear view mirror. I can go into hibernation until November. The Trump campaign will try and convince me to not vote or to cast a protest ballot for some independent that can not win. Biden campaign will try not to offend me enough to sit out the Presidential election. Time will tell.

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Apr 10Liked by Jay Berman

His being from my home state and briefly attending my alma mater would never cause me to vote for Jimmy Carter. I did vote for Sam Nunn (also from my home state and who also briefly attended my alma mater) for Senator. I would have voted for Mr. Nunn for President had he chosen to run. In those days I considered many democrats at the state level to be reasonable in their politics and voted for a few of them. No longer. We now have Ossoff, Warnock and Abrams. Of course Georgia republicans entered the ineptitude contest by countering with Herschel Walker. Kemp can't run for Governor again. No telling who the GOP might nominate for his replacement.

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Apr 10Liked by Jay Berman

Neil Diamond...you Steve...really? Damn dude, you made me laugh with that one. Hey, i loved Neil, he put on one hell of a show back in the day. Some get giddy over Sweet Caroline's refrain, for my money nothing was better than "Brother Love’s Travelling Salvation Show" and the growl that turns into a roar.

But alas, this column isn't about our musical tastes, it speaks more to those "cheap dates," that have been bought and paid for to win elections, forever. Yesterday on The Racket we saw some of the highest commentary in a long while as a couple of posters decided to banter over third party salvation and the merits of having a Kennedy in the race.

He went so far as to share the link for the half-crazed wanna-be president. When i first started reading and saw the word bot, my immediate reaction was you had brilliantly discovered the source for the new arrival was indeed a bot.

I have no interest in exploring or debating the grassy knoll theory from Dallas, but my mind runs wild with what we will face the next 7 months. Between AI, bots and meme's created that are 100% fakes, what chance do mere mortals have to be anything but a "cheap date?"

Are we all screwed? I hope not, because if we are, another one of my favs from Neil will ring hollow; "Coming To America."

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It boggles my mind—I’ve read enough of your work that you clearly know what Trump is capable of. You know he is unmoored from any principles—well, any beyond whatever benefits him in the very short term… assuming that can even be called a principle. Yet, you still “both sides” this election and the candidates.

I understand that you don’t agree with Biden’s policy positions… but surely you have the historical context to recognize that he’s about as middle of the roads as you’re likely to get—from either major party, I should add!

Do I wish we had better candidates? Sure! But I’ll have no doubt or ambivalence when I cast my vote for Biden this fall. There’s no question—it’s not even close.

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