"Do you want to see abortion, gay marriage, racism, crime, and every other issue resolved?"


Get involved in your local community and government. While today's holiday celebrates the United States throwing off the yoke of remote tyranny, it also celebrates self-government. That "self" means you and I. If we're not involved and acting to work to resolve issues of importance, we've only traded one form of tyranny for another.

Happy Fourth of July.

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Oh boo hoo you couldn't hate and deny gay people the rights that you enjoy.

But make no mistake we are faithless because the god that makes you such a hateful bigot isn't worth following. he has no redeeming qualities because the people who follow him have no redeeming qualities. And the day we finally cast off that bigotry and ignorance that religion depends on to survive we will finally have a country worth celebrating.

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Let's unpack that. Is there a right to marry in the Constitution? No. The Constitution is very specific because the writers had to be. They had 13 colonies who had to ratify so they restricted the feds to have very specific powers. Nowhere do they address marriage. Nowhere do they address homosexual marriage. So, when the subject comes up and the feds (which is their usual) declares they have the right to grant marriage licenses to either hetro or gay, they are overstepping their constitutional perimeters. The states have always set those standards. I live in a state where you have to be 18 to marry but when I was in high school kids would go to Idaho where it was 16.

So you just tell me when and where the Constitution gave gays the right to marry aside from the fact it is just your feelz?

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In your rush to be a bigot you seem to have not realized I never mentioned laws whatsoever. I do not care what the constitution says. This is about Susan's and I guess your god's hateful bigotry. You wanna work hard to make sure people who don't think or act like you are miserable second class citizens go right ahead. Although if I were a member of a dying pathetic religion I would be careful with that lest those who follow me in said religion are born into a country who hates them as much as you and Susan hate gay people.

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Scott: I'm concerned that you reserve the bright light of your logic to just one religion. I mean, why not talk about the Hebrew God's hateful bigotry--after all, the Jews started this. You might remark that it's good the Jews have limited their numbers lest a jealous world cull them. Or Muslims, who worship Allah revealed through Ishmael, the son of Abraham (the founder of the Jews, who Muslims call "people of the book.").

Pure reason and logic dictate that there must be something inherently wrong with mankind as a species to invent such deities and to kill in their name. Perhaps when the crufty old Christians pass into dust--wait, they won't, so maybe they need help to do it--the world will join together in kumbaya. But no, kumbaya is about God.

Perhaps a purely psychological, not spiritual (since that doesn't exist) approach is better. Maybe read some Nietzsche or Marx for enlightenment. I'm sure there exists a purely reasonable stratagem that will lead to the purging of this earth of hateful, judgmental people who believe a man is waiting in heaven to descend and rid the world of unrighteousness. Perhaps Robespierre was on the right track, but didn't go far enough. Or Mao, who smuggled parts of the Bible into his own books, substituting himself for Christ, of course.

I know what you're thinking: There has to be a world system that doesn't depend on a silly deity that history shows has lifted up a people and a nation to a statistically impossible level of achievement. There has to be a philosophy that grants freedom, respect, love, and prosperity, but doesn't involve ridiculous claims about heaven, hell, and a man who died and returned to life. There has to be something out there in human history we can mine without resorting to the slaughter of hundreds of millions to achieve harmony.

Those pesky Jews started this, and now a billion Christians infect the world with their spiritual hooey-ism, right? What are you doing to fix it, Scott? Or are you happy heaving insults at a blogger?

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Let me know when you find it.

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"And the day we finally cast off that bigotry and ignorance that religion depends on to survive we will finally have a country worth celebrating."

Said it right in my post. Religion not christianity.

And Jews didn't invent religion, their civilization survived and influenced ours the most. Isn't Hinduism older than Judaism?

I am hardest on christianity though. That is the religion that influenced where I live and my life the most. It is the one I am most familiar with.

And I don't have to do anything to fix it. You guys are doing fine on your own. Christianity isn't dying because people are killing christians, its dying because people take one look at them and say nope. Do you really think 30 years of this SCOTUS making rules based solely on their religion is going to change that? Or will it just make more people completely leave religion? Time will tell.

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I get it. Christianity might be true, but Americans are doing it wrong bc of religion. That is very likely true. Therefore Christianity won’t die, it will just become more pure. Worldwide, Christianity is in fact growing. In sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle-East, in Oceana, South America and especially in China, Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds. Mostly under severe persecution. I’ll take pure faith in Christ over dead religion any day. And I can’t speak for Susan but I’m pretty sure she would too.

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Christianity isn't true. Sorry there is no way an actual divine power would be affected so much by human meddling.

And yes it is growing outside the areas where people can see its true face. That should make people wonder.

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Gay men are bringing Monkey pox to the U.S., just like they did HIV in the 80s.

You guys wont learn from history.

Just thought I'd toss that in the mix, since you want to veer away from the ACTUAL topic.

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And churches were one of the primary means that spread COVID. Which people have actually died from if you didn't hear. I really don't get your point. It's 2022 now we know where Monkey pox and HIV came from and how they came to be. We know they aren't some divine judgement. They were passed to humans because a hunter killed and ate an infected animal. All you are doing is showing more of your bigotry and ignorance.

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I knew you wouldnt let me down.

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