
Not a great day for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC):

"A lawyer for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism over the violence that broke out in Atlanta on Sunday in relation to protests of a planned training facility for police officers in the city, the SPLC has confirmed."

"'An employee at the SPLC was arrested while acting — and identifying — as a legal observer on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG). The employee is an experienced legal observer, and their arrest is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters,' the SPLC said in a statement on Monday."[1]

If this remains being classified as domestic terrorism, I suspect that this fellow had some professional obligations to not be a part of the problem, but to be working with the police to be part of the solution.

[1] https://www.foxnews.com/politics/southern-poverty-law-center-lawyer-reportedly-arrested-domestic-terrorism-atlanta-cop-city-attack

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

Good news of your active recovery from surgery!

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

It's great that you are doing well except for the anxiety. I hope that will lessen soon because the odds are good for people your age. I know the feeling. My case of bladder cancer required two surgeries and immune system treatments just before my 80th birthday. The urologist and lab physicians said everything looked good, but I still have a CT scan and at least two cystoscopy procedures every year. It's been more than three years and I was told my odds were better after 2 1/2 years.

I liked the points you made regarding the riots we have seen in the last three years. There was definitely violence in every case and the various special interest groups are all putting their spin on the stories. If Tucker Carlson presents only one side of what happened, he is no better than the left-wing media and the Trump haters. I won't judge the totality of his reporting until he is finished. I do think there is a disparity in the prosecution of the evil doers. All violence, looting, arson, attacks on law enforcement and attacks on innocent bystanders should be punished to the full extent of the law, Selective prosecution destroys faith in the system and emboldens criminal behavior. I suppose, by your definition, all of that can be considered insurrection because it is all a revolt against civil authority.

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So, you understand that holding back evidence from the defense and the courts, whether exculpatory or not is against the law! You also understand that this evidence supports the position that this was not an armed insurrection meant to overthrow the us government at the time of transition and the Select committee to disqualify Donald Trump from seeking future office (Known to some as the Jan 6th Committee) was lying to the American People.

And to sum it up, "It's very obvious that you want to be lied to, that you want to be told what you want and not the facts or the truth of a situation."

Thank you for your time.

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Tuckers exposure of the swamp doing the things they do is worthy of praise. He did not pull punches when it came to party affiliation and I heard him say, more than once, he does not condone violence or the trespassing that occurred on January 6th.

Several facts exposed by Tucker are very troubling.

The fact that the Judicial system was so abused by the government and the DOJ by withholding incredible amounts of evidence from the defendant's defense team is astounding and should, in itself be enough to overturn all convictions and pleadings. They were falsely convicted and I am shocked that the judicial system did not see through it. The country was aware of this footage existing for almost 2 years and the judges should have seen through it. These rioters and trespassers are not innocent of wrongdoing but they have been deprived of their rights as Americans to a competent defense.

So now we have the fake Russian Collusion investigation, the fake Impeachment trials of the President and the fake January 6th narrative created by the majority in the house, the senate and the administration. How many Millions of $'s have been wasted by the government on this soul wrecking manipulated narrative. That should upset every American who expect their government to govern and pays taxes every year to support them governing.

I understand that these practices are occurring to gain political advantage to advance a particular agenda but it has gone way to far. The country is being torn apart by the very people that have the responsibility to lead it and unite it.

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