
Glad I'm a natural-born citizen, else I might have technically passed the test, but the immigration officials would be well within their rights to sending me back for being a smart-ass when they got to my answer to #68: "What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?"

I would have likely talked about him being a "ladies' man" and cited his treatise "Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress"[1]. Not quoting it here, as to not run afoul of local decency standards, but it's a hoot to read.

[1] https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Franklin/01-03-02-0011

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Oh my. I don’t even think they’d publish that today.

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Ben Franklin would be cancelled as soon as he stepped out of the time-traveling phone booth.

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

Enjoyed the post and even knew the longest rivers.

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Did not know how many amendments.

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