Dec 31, 2020Liked by David Thornton

You are far more kind than i David. I have found myself having to back away because the nonsense has grown to a point of obscenity. trump started the whine long before a vote was cast, he knew he was i trouble and this was his out. Start the blame game and ride it into the sunset. He "won bigly" was his lament, the deep state got him (including all those republican's who supported him). Who in their right mind buys this?

So here's where we differ, separate. I long ago learned this one truism: Bullshit is Bullshit. See how easy this is when you take out trying to be civil about all these idiot claims. He just needed his day in court, they had mountains of proof. They had butcuss. His day in court has come and gone and the daily ministrations become more bizarre and less realistic (if that's possible).

The best thing that will come of this will be the civil suits from Smartmatic and Dominion when they sue Rudy, Sydney, OANN and a host of others for defamation of character and libel. The statements made were crappola and their cases were even worse.

The other positive has been the folks at The Bulwark daily castration of these phony conservatives who are still trying to please the mango messiah (thank you Susan). Their names will forever be linked to the abysmal run by trump as he was kicked to the curb and acted the fool on the way out the door.

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You say the challenges were lost. I say they were never given a fair hearing. The Cobb County audit was good. Even better would be audits in Fulton and Clarke Counties.

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That's delusional. Never given fair hearing? 59 times?

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Never heard in court because judges do not want to deal with the remedy if there is even a remote possibility that serious irregularities might be found.

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Nothing ever went anywhere because Giuliani and company didn't have any actual evidence to present. This was the reasoning given by judge after judge for dismissing the cases - not that the evidence wasn't convincing but that there WAS none presented. Giuliani claims to have hundreds of affidavits (which by themselves would not be enough, as far as I know, to support a case), but most of them were never even filed with a court. He never went so far as to say in front of a judge that the Trump campaign was alleging that there had been fraud, only that it COULD have occurred. The only time he would make sweeping, definite statements was in front of TV cameras. Some judges even went so far as to rebuke Giuliani's team for what they were doing.

Leaving all that aside, you have no logical reason whatsoever, other than the fact that they came to a decision you disagree with, to accuse these judges of laziness or corruption or whatever it is you're accusing them of. A significant number of them were even appointed by Trump. If they were going to be biased I would think it would be far more likely that they would be biased in his favor. That they ruled against him is evidence that they care more about the law than whose side they're supposed to be on.

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You are in a unique place to hold them accountable. You and Berman. Let's hope the two of you have the integrity to do so come senate runoff.

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