Nov 9, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

I'm sure there are some good parts of the bill but you, like most of the think tanks and major media, ignore or gloss over the bad parts. I suppose a few billion here and there wasted on pork to buy blue state votes are inconsequential to those who value style over substance. Inflation is out of control and Congress is fanning the flames in a bipartisan manner.

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I did not mention a wall but many former and current immigration and border enforcement officials have said it is needed. I guess we will not know all of the bad parts until we know the projects that are funded. The devil is in the details. I predict this will be just like Obama's shovel ready jobs, a pork feast for politicians to buy votes. One provision jumps out, reconnection of communities and neighborhoods.

I just saw a Republican congress person on TV explaining that she voted for the bill because of projects in her state. The bill will increase the rate of inflation and directly add $350billion to the national debt.

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