
I'm curious if you'd be willing/interested in setting a calendar reminder to judge whether this prediction is correct by July 4th:

"Watch as America easily meets Biden’s 100 million vaccination goal, surpasses it, and the headlines still blare warnings (because that’s what’s happening now). Watch as the new goal becomes 200 million vaccinations by July 4, and before July 4 you’ll see more warnings of new strains, or more lockdowns, or another stimulus hand-out. Watch as the mask debate continues to rage, on and on with no end in sight, likely to become a permanent fixture in the minds of the ever-controlling nanny statists of the political left."

I'm curious given that even here in Blue Chicago, there isn't a lot of patience for our quarantine status quo to last much longer.

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I think the hesitancy harks back somewhat to George W. Bush's "Mission Accomplished" banner. He got burned so badly on that, that politicians are gun-shy about declaring victory too early, particularly in this case when there's a couple nasty mutations waiting in the wings that could undo a lot of our success so far.

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I guess you have to write this slop when the most quoted scientist from the Trump days has pretty much laid 400,000 deaths at his feet(and yours). How about just taking them at their word until you have actual proof to back up your conspiracies? Cases are raising in Michigan as well and they worry the vaccine won't be as effective against new strains. Fauci tried to explain this to Sen. Paul when he was being stupid in that hearing. We are in a race. That's not fear its intelligence.

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