
"It’s telling that Hamas waited until there’s a Democrat in the White House to restart its terror, which had not happened since 2014."

"Meanwhile, now that a Democrat is ensconced in the White House, the evil rulers of Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and the PLA choose this time to lob missiles into Israel, targeting civilians and children."

Other than serving as tribal virtue signaling that you think that Biden will be bad on Israeli policy (and not describing how he actually has been, which would have been more useful), you make it sound like the Palestinians were not lobbing munitions into Israel during Trump's administration, which is provably false. From last fall (Sept. 15, 2020):

"Palestinian militants fired rockets from Gaza into Israel on Tuesday, the Israeli military said, at same time as Israel and two Gulf Arab states signed normalization agreements at the White House in Washington."[1]

Might want to get your facts in better order before trying to make a larger policy point. If there's an important point to be made on the difference between Hamas missiles, PLA missiles, and generic Palestinian rockets, I'm all ears.

[1] https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/15/palestinians-fire-rockets-into-israel-during-white-house-ceremony-wounding-two.html

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My facts are in order. Hamas *never stopped* lobbing rockets into Israel. What we're talking about is a matter of intensity and scale. The last time it was all-out-salvos like this, along with an escalation of violence in Jerusalem, was 2014. How'd you like to live in a country where the missiles never stop coming in, but "peace" is considered when there's only 1 or 2 a month, versus 100 at a time targeting civilians and cities?

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Thank you for the additional clarification and context that was missing from the original article. That said, if your contention is that the Palestinians waited until a sympathetic Democrat was finally in office to heighten the intensity of their attacks, we don't have to go back that far into the past to see hundreds of rockets launched DURING the Trump administration:

July 14, 2018: "Terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip launched over 174 rockets and mortar shells at southern Israel throughout Saturday, the majority of them exploding in open fields, but with some landing inside Israeli communities, injuring three people and damaging buildings, officials said." [1]

November 12, 2019: "Throughout Tuesday, the PIJ fired approximately 190 rockets and mortar shells at southern and central Israel, half of which landed in open fields, where they caused neither injury nor damage, according to the IDF. Dozens of the incoming projectiles were shot down by soldiers operating the Iron Dome missile defense system, representing a 90% interception rate for rockets heading toward populated areas, the army said." [2]

February 9, 2020: "Earlier on Sunday, Israeli politicians threatened a harsh military response if attacks from the Gaza Strip continued. The past two weeks has seen near-daily rocket and mortar attacks from the Strip, as terrorists in the Strip have also launched dozens of balloon-borne explosive devices into southern Israel from Gaza." [3]

I know that the authors here republish these posts in other places, so some amount of preaching to the choir is to be expected, but your post and comment above is treating Biden (or more accurately, a Democratic) as a relevant variable that the Palestinians are using to decide the intensity of their attacks, with the counterfactual being that there would be no such escalation (a better word to use in this context than "restart"), when history doesn't support that supposition.

From what I can tell from the readily-available evidence, Palestinians don't really give a hoot who's sitting behind the Resolute Desk when it comes time to launch munitions into Israel. If anyone wants to look at it and let me know if there's a better take, Wikipedia was a decent place to start finding the references below. [4]

[1] https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-over-174-mortar-shells-rockets-fired-at-israel-on-saturday/

[2] https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-girds-for-several-days-of-fighting-after-some-150-rockets-fired-at-israel/

[3] https://www.timesofisrael.com/gaza-rocket-strikes-field-in-south-as-israel-threatens-harsh-response/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel

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"counterfactual being that there would be no such escalation (a better word to use in this context than "restart"),"

should be

"counterfactual being that there would be no such escalation (a better word to use in this context than "restart") IF TRUMP WERE IN OFFICE,"

My kingdom for an edit button!

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"...is treating Biden (or more accurately, a Democratic)"

should be

"...is treating Biden (or more accurately, a Democratic President)"

I'll proofread better next time!

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Politico has a decent piece on how Biden's ACTUALLY approached the Israel/Palestinian conflict thus far:


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I don't fault Biden here. Don't misunderstand me. However, Hamas sees a Democrat in office to be a more sympathetic situation than a Republican, especially Trump, who they hate. A Democrat is the same party as Tlaib and others and in general, Republican tend to be more pro-Israel. So yes, Hamas is watching who is in the White House. I doubt Biden will take any real action or words, other than symbolic "we want peace" or the equivalent of "thoughts and prayers." His party is very anti-Israel. Hamas knows this.

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"This is happening as the Israeli government plans to move forward with forced evictions"

Is that paragraph correct? Is Israel removing people from their homes by force? Or is that a lie. I won't defend the issue of putting children in harms way but what lengths would you go to to defend your home?

The way Israel treats people living within the land we gave them is sick and all its doing is turning more and more people against them. Maybe call that evil as well.

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Israel has conducted forced evictions of its own citizens, with the Army dragging families from nicely built homes in Gaza in 2005 (iirc) to turn those over to the Palestinians. Hamas burned the homes because “Jews lived in them.”

The “forced evictions” referenced in the statement is when Palestinian squatters set up shanties and tents on unoccupied land squarely within Israeli borders in every written agreement (Oslo etc). They do this to create dispute over land previously undisputed. After years of bad faith “negotiations,” Netanyahu’s govt gave permission for Israelis to build apartments on some of the undisputed land. This is to house the growing number of Jewish refugees from many nations (including, sadly, France and other European countries). Israel is required to accept these refugees by its constitution.

When the apartments are going to be built, the Palestinians claim the Israelis are stealing land that prior was undisputed and within Israeli borders.

Palestinians use the shanties to launch attacks on Jewish families who have built homes on adjacent land.

We are talking small amounts of land—city block size—in a rocky uninhabited hilly area near Jerusalem. After many warnings, Israel finally sends in bulldozers to remove the shanties.

And U.S. Members of Congress call that “forced evictions.”

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Sounds like forced evictions to me.

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True Truman recognized the Jewish state.. I would not categorize it that we gave them the land.

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