
Likely Moscow drone strike had Ukraine origins, but maybe not direct government fingerprints. Feels like a measured attack to show Putin it can be accomplished. Measured to gain no real action from Moscow or Washington. Just my gut take.

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Congressional term limits and a balanced budget would stop this recurring political show. There is at least one idea out there to encourage term limits without a Constitutional amendment. It involves cutting congressional pay to $1/year after the desired number of terms. Congress could pass a law requiring a balanced budget with provisions for defined emergencies.

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The "fun" thing about this whole debt ceiling drama is that the GOP is getting things they could have gotten through regular appropriations: they're not getting anything special.

If the Crazy Default Caucus (forthwith known as the CDC) wants to vacate Kevin McCarthy's speakership, then I'll get the popcorn maker out - 'cause who are they going to replace him with?

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