Here's a good primer on the 14th Amendment, Section 3 by Sarah Isgur and David French, from an October "Advisory Opinions" podcast transcript. https://thedispatch.com/article/where-do-you-cross-the-line-from-bush-v-gore-to-coup-detat/

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I wonder if this will also affect Trump's DC case? I mean, if SCOTUS rules in Fischer's favor, then 2 of charges against Trump may be dropped. If SCOTUS rules that Trump was not an insurrectionist in the Colorado case, then that pretty much guts Smith's case, right? We'd be hanging Trump the best legal defense.

Oh boy. May we live in interesting times, as an old Chinese proverb goes....

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It may be none of the above. SCOTUS might kick the CO case on standing or a technical detail without ruling on the merits. That might still affect the other juries and election.

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I don't think so. But we'll see what happens next. Now we have multiple states reaching different conclusions, so I think SCOTUS will take up the case. Trump definitely has standing.

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Do you really think the Colorado decision will stand? The prevailing sentiment I read seems to be that it will not. I've tried to get a feel for it from more liberal sources, but they all seem to be overcome by ecstasy and joy. I'm torn. I believe the states should make the call but that right has been negated by federal and judicial actions. I prefer another candidate but that might mean many Republican voters sitting it out. As a never-Biden voter I can only hope that his incompetence and destruction of the culture and economy and defense of the USA is recognized by enough voters.

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I think there’s a good chance that it will stand but by no means assured. The intent of the amendment is clear if the phrasing isn’t. So are Trump’s actions.

OTOH it’s an unprecedented move and there are institutionalists on the Court who don’t necessarily like to make unprecedented moves that could undermine the Court in public opinion and make it a political target. This hasn’t stopped them in the past.

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Who cares? Really, does it matter? No offense to anyone who gets off on this (either way), but this is just another in a long list of the miscreant trump's behaviors that have raced beyond the norms. Why in the world should he be held accountable for his actions? After all, his supporters see him as god-like (small g intentional).

Then i read my friend Curtis's comments and they fit perfectly with a mindset i cannot grasp: "anybody but Biden." again i ask; really? Sleepy old Joe is destroying America? Come on brother, the middle of the road, trying to work with both sides is that dangerous to the American experiment called democracy?

But alas, it is what is is and we are where we are. Those of us in the peanut gallery are simply pawns on trump's giant chess board. And to be clear, he's not playing any kind of multi-dimensional chess game...it's just one giant con.

The ink was not yet dry on the Colorado Supreme Court decision and the pleas for more money were in the rubes hands. Hopefully none of you sent off a recurring monthly amount to build his war chest to stop the latest atrocity. Be smart about it eh? We know the next umbrage is just days away and the next email request you get from him will be even more tragic and eventful. For sure, you'll want to have money left over for the next and the next and the next (get the picture yet?).

In life, too often winners and losers are based on the size of their bank accounts. It's a sick measurement tool that many of us understand is nothing more than fools gold. In the donald's case, it's the only one that matters. Good God, if that tells you noting else, it should shout at you what a phony he is.

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Where do you get off saying Sleepy Joe is middle of the road? He is not even running the country. Just look at who is in his cabinet and surrounding him. Many far leftists. Don’t fool yourself into thinking he is a centrist. The people in his administration don’t bear that out.

His big 2 trillion spending “Rescue Plan” is why we are in this inflation mess. No wonder he has high unfavorables amongst voters. The fact that even Trump with all the negative press is still beating Biden in the key battleground states. If the course doesn’t change, next November Trump will win the election.

And yes, SCOTUS will overturn the Colorado decision. Just read the scathing dissent by two of the Democratic appointed justices n the Colorado ruling. Even they saw the decision was legally flawed. The decision was 4-3. And many blue state courts won’t even touch it because they know it violates due process.

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Wow, interesting take JJ. Yes, middle of the road is exactly where Joe is, like it or not. Don't take my word for it, click on The Bulwark and see what real conservatives have to say about him. Listening to people who are enamored with a con man who drapes himself in the flag and hasn't a clue on which side of the bible is up or down flies in the face of conventional wisdom.

Oh yeah, here's the other thing: On the "inflation mess" comment, coming out of the pandemic every country was caught up in the throes of crushing inflation. If you really want to compare where we are, look at the strength of the US dollar against other currencies. By the way, how's that stock market doing?

Speaking of money, just keep writing the orange guy checks. Once he's done with his legal woes and we actually know what his net worth is, he's going to need you rubes to keep footing his bills.

What was it PT Barnum said...nuh, way too easy pickings.

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The Bulwark is a left leaning group who decided they could make more money by pretending to be conservatives and bashing Republicans. Their agenda is capitulation to the democrat agenda.

The pandemic closures were an ill-advised shutdown of the economy and went on far too long. Billion were wasted on fraudulent relief claims. Both parties deserve blame but democrat politicians, especially Biden, carried it to extremes - even to the point of discharging healthy military personnel thereby weakening national defense. The Inflation Reduction Act was enacted well after the pandemic and will continue to drive inflation. Unfortunately, it was passed with the help of Republicans. Inflation continues although at a slower rate. Prices for every day needs continue to rise. The DJI was down 476 points today.

Wonder why no details of Joe's overtures to work with Republicans on the illegal immigration crisis are unavailable? It's because even half-ass measures to gain control of the borders are rejected by democrats and Joe can't issue a concrete proposal.

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“The Bulwark” conservative? You’re kidding, right? What a joke.

And to further Curtis point on the economy. Post pandemic government shutdowns, the economy was on a V shape rebound. Then Numb Nuts pushed through those big government spending bills.

See article by Vox (left leaning) news site


Even those monkeys know Biden’s agenda caused this.

And to say that the Senile Hair Sniffer in Chief is actually running the country, then you must have an IQ of a retarded ape. His administration is full of far leftist ideologues. And THEY are pushing their agenda.

You know as well as I do the Democratic Party has been high jacked by socialists of the likes of AOC, Taliban Tlaib, and Illiterate Omar. That is why Biden’s WH or Pelosi never condemned the numerous crazy shit they have said? Because the socialists are in charge of the party. Biden a centrist? What a joke.

The Democrat party is long gone. And clueless about how real everyday Americans are getting crushed. And the Dems will pay for it next November.

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Let’s turn down the heat here. Keep it civil and friendly.

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Fair enough. I’ll take back the “retarded ape” comment. I meant it as a hyperbolic conditional statement. Much like “If you are the Pope, then I am a monkey’s uncle “.

But he directly called me a sucker and rube for supporting Trump. And that is the problem of the Democratic Party and media. They don’t engage with the everyday American to see why many people support Trump. They just say MAGA supporters are racist, stupid, or easily swindled.

THAT is why Clinton lost in 2016, THAT is he (if not for the Covid pandemic ) would have easily won, and THAT is why he will win next November.

I am applying for PhD programs in philosophy. So I do not think I am some rube or blind MAGA sycophant supporting him.

There are systematic and well-reasoned arguments for supporting him over Biden, contra to whatever Bill Pearson may say.

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Classy retort and no less than i would expect from a trump sycophant. It's why having a discussion is worthless. Those far left names cited have been put on the shelf and yet they become the tag line to paint the democratic party with the same old tired paint brush of communists or socialists or whatever trump's latest rant is. Just keep on sending the orange guy those checks, that's the only thing he cares about...getting your money.

There is indeed a sucker born every minute.

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I don’t send him checks. And by no means am I a MAGA sycophant cultist. I know he has many flaws both as a human being and president. But I am a pragmatist who likes freedom and to keep my own money. I had a much better 401k under Trump, prices for gas, goods and services. And the border wasn’t being overrun by illegals into our country. Unless, you live in a border state like me, you have no clue the impact this causes.

Not to mention the higher crime rates under this administration. And that is a direct result of the whole radical Black Lives Matter movement (which he supports) and calls to defund the police by many prominent democrats.

Trump is not perfect, but things were much better under his administration and the polls by Americans, even black and Hispanic Americans who are not brainwashed by the democratic machine, are bearing this out.

You all better wake up and take ownership of Biden’s failures and senility or you will go down in flames in November. Stop deluding yourself and get with reality.

Just ask James Carville. He knows what’s up.


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The only insurrection was the theft via 6 deg polynomial.

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