Jan 16, 2021Liked by David Thornton

I'd be more sympathetic to your opinion and to the idea that the meme that conservative thought is being censored is due to people telling conservatives that their thought is being censored, except it happened to me. Over a year ago, every post I made was censored, except on my own page or in groups. (They apparently still wanted to make money from me.) I would repost from the American Spectator, National Review, Reason Magazine, and others--hardly hotbeds of the kind of people you seem to think deserve censoring. The odd thing was, they'd stop it every Wednesday. It was like being let out to the exercise yard in a jail. I've been fact-checked a few times. I posted an article critical of how Obama handled the flue crisis of his administration. Scopes apparently couldn't coordinate facts from two sources, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. One gve the death count and dates, the other Obama's responses. You put them together, and the offending article was correct. True, after I reposted this, pointing out Snope's error, the fact-checking stopped. (I won't even mention that one time I posted a meme about Hitler doing something that modern liberals do (I forget what) in order to debunk it, and they censored that because they had debunked it. (I guess they don't like the competition.) And then there was there warning to a gun training group that my post put their group in danger. Before the Admin could read it, it vanished. She had to approve my posts for a couple of months. Fortunately for me, she was way more of a gun nut than I am. It's been over a year since I've been outright censored, however, or banned. No explanation or even acknowledgment of the ban occurred. No notice, it's just that each time I'd post, I'd get "Your post has been declared offensive by a FB user." I responded by declaring all liberal posts in my newsfeed to be offensive. I had an Elizabeth Warren post removed because of hate speech. I fancy, without any proof, that they got tired of that and let me post.

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