
Shorter: They knew, but didnt care.

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Sep 22, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

As long as the GOP collectively refuses to move on from Trump, then they deserve to be constantly reminded about 1-6 and Trump's post-election attempt to overthrow a Constitutionally established government and electoral process. Even if it annoys the living daylights out of the MAGA base. Well done David.

"New documents also shed light on the endgame for the infamous “Stop the Steal” rally. A newly revealed memo by Trump lawyer, John Eastman, outlined a six-step plan for having Vice President Mike Pence set aside the electoral votes of the seven contested states. Under the undated proposal, Pence would cite multiple slates of electors as a reason for not counting the votes of these states. The new total number of electoral votes would be 454, which means that 228 would be required to win. Coincidentally, Donald Trump would have had 232 electoral votes under that scenario."

The thing is that John Eastman is not stupid by any means, and was actually a reputable law professor with a decent track record prior to the Trump era. He clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas and Judge Luttig, both excellent jurists. I'm convinced that Eastman didn't believe a word of what he was proposing for then VP Pence to do. He knew that his six-step plan was illegal and clearly unconstitutional, as he is just too smart to believe otherwise. But with like many others who I respected in the past, he compromised his integrity and credibility at the altar of all things Trump.

"Americans - even Trump voters who are truthful and honest - would have never accepted such a blatant (and incompetent) attempt to steal power. The country would have risen up and it would have been right to do so, even if doing so would have amounted to a national tragedy."

I know many good faith Trump voters who reluctantly voted for him, because of the Democratic Party going hard left over the past few years. They abandoned him right after the election, after they were embarrassed at his post-election behavior. Every one of them told me that they will never support Trump again under any circumstances.

"We have learned that a great many Republicans were too spineless to stand up to Trump when it counted. Whether for ideological reasons or to protect their own jobs, these people were willing to sell out their country and shred the Constitution. That should not be rewarded."

Agreed. That includes any of the 147 GOP House members and a handful of Senators(including Ted Cruz, whom I supported for President in 2016. To this day, I regret having done so.) who tried to overthrow a Constitutionally established government and electoral process. None of them deserve re-election.

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Does voting for an idiotic Biden / Harris President and VP ticket, knowing that moronic political appointees are sure to follow, mean you are morally superior? Are you trying to encourage more candidates like Joe Biden and fewer like Donald Trump? What is gained over the next two generations? You really can't win trying to have it both ways. You can't punish one party unless you think the other party has better ideas.

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Maybe you should be looking for a third party that offers a better option, especially when one party is extremely deserving of punishment and the other is just unacceptable to you.

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I am an imperfect ideologue but mostly conservative. A conservative party will not be viable during my lifetime so Republicans will have to do. Democrats are not just unacceptable, they are un-American.

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The GOP is open to chicanery regarding our elections, but it's the Democrats that are un-American - because you disagree with policy that has been argued over for decades.

Who's really un-American here? And who are you trying to kid?

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No kidding. I hesitated to use "un-American" because it can be argued that there's no such thing in a free society. When "The Squad" can force abandoning a critical ally or when second and third generation immigrant communities cannot or will not assimilate, that's un-American. When the education system is producing young people who hate America and consider capitalism evil, that is un-American. When parents do nothing about the indoctrination of their children, that is un-American. When the party in charge will not enforce the borders and has no idea that a strong military helps maintain freedom and world peace, that's un-American. Riots and shutting down speech about the beliefs of others is not American.

With regard to election chicanery, who is resisting investigations into the matter?

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Hahahahaha. Assimilate to what, pray tell? Does that also go for the Amish?

I thought you'd prefer people look at communism as evil. More importantly, define "hate America": I see people that ways for America to be better that follow policies you don't like is all. But of course, anything that goes against what you think of as proper policy is evil and un-American.

What you consider indoctrination others think is proper: just 'cause you don't agree with whatever it is you think it is.

Look in the mirror regarding our military: we've overextended ourselves, and there's a ton of waste.

This border thing is getting tiring, when you know damn well most undocumented immigrants on comes through airports. A wall is a waste: there's better ways to deal with the issue (not that you care to actually do so).

You're an old, angry man Curtis. Perhaps rather than be angry at people being/acting different, you could actually uphold the principles of our nation. I frankly think you don't give a damn, as long as you get your way.

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Sep 22, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

Except those that knew and dismissed this plan/plot (Sen Mike Lee and Lindsey Graham) haven't told anyone about it.


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Sep 22, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

"We have learned that Trump should have been impeached and disqualified from holding future office. Even in the absence of the guilty verdict last January, every American who loves the Constitution and the rule of law should make it their mission to ensure that Donald Trump and his enablers are never trusted with power again. As Herman Cain used to say, “They think you’re stupid.” We need to prove them wrong."

I think what we should do is to support the House GOP members that voted to impeach Trump, as well as the Senators that voted to convict. Trump and his MAGA sycophants are seeking revenge, and some of them are facing primary challenges from the MAGA candidates. Any help that we could give them would help. One of them, Jaime Herrera-Beutler, is facing a primary challenge from Joe Kent, who Trump endorsed. He is a full blown election truther, and is vocally peddling the Big Lie. I think Matt Gaetz also endorsed him.

In other congressional primary races that have MAGA sycophants, supporting thoughtful conservative challengers would be helpful. Lately I heard Marjorie Taylor Greene got a new primary challenger. I don’t much about her yet as to whether she is worth supporting or not. But I’d think that with someone like MTG, a stuffed armchair would be an improvement over her. It’s going to be an uphill challenge for sure. But since she is perhaps the most odious member of Congress by far, I think any effort to defeat her would be a worthwhile one.

Defeating them will not be an easy task, but giving our best shot and not letting up on our efforts to hold them accountable, is the best way we can prove them wrong.



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But Kamila Harris and Joey B are eating children! I'll say it again. They are eating children. Worse still they are communists. Trump may not be a good man but someone has to stop the Demonrats.

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Mmm, yummy.

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I believe the voter machine manipulation theory bordered on crackpot and hurt their case. Voter roll shenanigans, mail-in ballots for everyone and illegal changes to election rules are far more likely irregularities. They did occur. They may not have changed the election outcome but we do not know that.

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The memo may be truthful but it is nothing but a denial by a corporate executive. It proves nothing. I'll still take Trump over Biden who is in the process of destroying the USA

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