Dec 12, 2020Liked by David Thornton

Stories like this do not make me feel better about flying. Highly competent pilots getting into a tight spot because of controllers attending to another aircraft for ninety seconds or so. I have actually watched a twin turbo prop airplane (Martin 404 with about 40 passengers if I recall correctly) set down about 100 feet in front of me in the median of I-285. It left the median and went up the embankment to Moreland Avenue where it stopped. Along the way it crushed a vehicle with a family in it. Fatalities in the car and one or two on the plane. The tail section separated and I could see inside the plane. The cause was wrong fuel at Peachtree Dekalb.

As a former bicyclist I have a different perspective of the thousand feet difference in elevation at Pine Mountain. Cycling up the mountain from the campground at FDR park to the top of the ridge above Warm Springs made me welcome the two miles or so of downhill into the town.

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Believe me, I know what you mean. A thousand feet in elevation on a hike is a lot different than a thousand feet climbed in a jet.

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Dec 12, 2020Liked by David Thornton

Good luck on finishing your quest. I find your piloting stories to be really interesting. Thanks for posting.

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