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During my work life Steve i became a fan of Myers Briggs Personality Profile. Took it 4 times and oddly enough just before i retired i switched from an E (extrovert) to an I (introvert). Guess i was really looking forward to becoming less visible. Anyway, i absolutely believe in much of what they preached.

The point here is obvious; trump absolutely has to be in the public eye. If there is one thing that would neuter/destroy him, it would be to ignore him. You started down that path in the article. It

is incumbent on the media stripping him of any publicity. Doesn't matter which mass medium we are talking about, they all need to carve him from their reporting.

Sadly, his craziness has generated revenue beyond their wildest imagination. Once he is gone, could that change? Could they for the good of the country ignore him totally? Should all that fail, then the Southern District of New York could be our last best hope.

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