Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022Author

"But even Gates says that we’re talking about 70 years, not a dozen, or less than a decade. People who look at the science, and who also understand economics and the mechanics of human need, know that the world isn’t going to walk off a cliff in deference to a doomsday religion fixated on stopping greenhouse gas production."

I'm not going to fault policy-makers in an island nation and one with a third of its territory under sea level from doing what they think is necessary to do their part on climate change. At the rate we're going (3.6 mm / 0.14 in per year[1] - assuming that doesn't accelerate), can either the Netherlands or Sri Lanka absorb a 9.8 in rise in sea levels without even more disruptive things happening than these environmental policies?

[1] https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/climate-change-evidence-causes/question-14/

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

While in other more pressing news around the world: An extreme heat wave that meteorologists call an "apocalypse" broiled much of Europe and the United Kingdom on Monday, and hundreds of people died because of record high temperatures and ferocious wildfires. At least 748 heat-related deaths have been reported in the heat wave in Spain and neighboring Portugal, where temperatures reached 117 degrees this month."

On another front, this news also in: "Sen. Joe Manchin took in more than $400,000 from fossil fuel interests in recent months as he fought his colleagues’ plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity sector. Manchin, a West Virginia Democrat who is up for reelection in 2024, raised $1.6 million in campaign contributions between July and October, according to his election campaign’s filings."

I guess it all just depends on who's "RELIGION" one wants to buy into doesn't it Steve. This seems as good a place as any to use the Pandemic argument, "those people were all going to die anyway."

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So you’re advocating letting people die of starvation or disease so they can avoid dying of heat-related issues? But we can’t have air conditioning or nuclear power to solve our electricity problems. Why should anyone die from heat when air conditioning has been around for a century? Let’s talk solutions not hyperbole.

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Direct quotes from newspapers are hyperbole now? Deaths from the heat is hyperbole? Joe Manchin, he of oil and coal mining fame is hyperbole? I'm not advocating for starvation or disease, you're the one playing the hyperbole game with the nonsense regarding the religion of green.

You love the click bait of hyperbole and then when you are confronted on it, you act all innocent. The simple reality for most was they didn't need air conditioning years ago before global warming. Oh, wait, it doesn't exist does it.

Solution will never come by ignoring or pretending there aren't real problems with real solutions out there. Gate's solution was long term, as it should be. DUh, just freaking duh.

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Jul 19, 2022Liked by Steve Berman, Chris J. Karr

Any money Senator Manchin took in was a result of pursuing policy favored by the citizens who vote for him.

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And it had nothing to do with the enormousness contribution from the oil and gas contributions to his campaign? Thanks for putting a smile on my face today.

It's the exact problem we have with our current structure of government. Nothing will be fixed until we take the money out of politics and fund it with tax dollars. Every politician that qualifies for a race gets a fixed amount of money to spend on how they see fit. After that, they need to stand on their merits and ideas. How refreshing would that be?

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$400,000 is a drop in the bucket in any political campaign these days. It wouldn't even buy me if I were a politician. Hot weather is not new. I lived in El Paso in 1965. 105-degree summer temperatures were not rare. I spent one day in June of 1965 in Phoenix and the temperature was 104 degrees. In 1966 I traveled hundreds of miles across Kansas and Missouri with high temperatures in the 105-degree range. It was memorable because I was considering going to the MLB all-star game in St. Louis, but my wife vetoed that. It was still over 100 degrees when we reached Memphis.

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Jul 19, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

Tesla's port in the USA is the result of coming to market prior to a standard being decided. All other manufacturers are using CCS1 and CCS2 (including your Kia EV6), while Tesla is stuck using a proprietary port: so the standardization isn't the issue, it's just a matter of building out the networks more fully. Ideally, Tesla would move production to the new standard for newer vehicles and provide an adapter for their Supercharger network.

Perhaps a shift in focus from ethanol subsidies to subsidies for building more EV charging stations would be a better use of our dollars.

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Yet another sign that christians really don't believe a thing about their religion. If there is a 1 percent chance that man made climate change would destroy the world a person who thinks their vengeful almighty god told them to be responsible for it would do anything to not anger said god.

Instead these sneer at the people who actually care.

If were comparing religions yours comes out on the losing end. Again.

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Sri Lanka is 70% Buddhist, 12% Hindu, 10% Muslim, under 8% Christian. 67% of Dutch are not in any religion. I guess that kills your theory. Plenty of Christians (including me) have no issue with fighting climate change. But it’s not a religion so don’t treat it like one. We can differ over the severity but forcing people to revert 50 years or to starve is extreme.

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The earth fed its population for millennia before the advancement of industry. But now you want people to believe that unless we use these new advancements that people are destined to starve. That is a lie. If climate change is real and man made then eventually your children will have to deal with what you couldn't be bothered with.

“When all the world is overcharged with inhabitants, then the last remedy of all is war, which provideth for every man, by victory or death.”

Thomas Hobbes gets it.

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The inhabitants of this earth are not capable of feeding themselves much less others. Hen houses and quarter-acre gardens won't cut it.

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