
A shout out to The Guess Who …Don’t give me no hand me down world.. I agree this do nothing Congress will not pass any meaningful tax reform.

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I got one already...

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

I'm not sure but what I think you are saying is that a huge industry has evolved to deal with the current income tax system. And, it is so completely embedded in our society that the politically powerful will never allow it to be replaced. Maybe, but I see most of the effort that goes into dealing with the income tax code is non-productive.

For ten years, I was a volunteer tax preparer for the low income and elderly. Low income is a relative term, and a better category might be "simple" income. Some of the taxpayers who were close to being elderly had incomes approaching $200,000. As long has the income was from salaries, unemployment benefits, interest, dividends and small amounts from self-employment, we could prepare the taxes. We could not do tax returns for preachers, farmers, landlords and a few other categories. I saw instances of people who worked just enough to get earned income credit (and most likely substantial amounts of under-the -table income). I saw 70-year-old low-income retirees who wouldn't have been required to file except for a few hundred dollars income from crafts or art that resulted in self-employment tax that reduced their really low income by another $50 or $100.

The whole system is ridiculous and is largely built by lobbyists to benefit their clients. Ordinary workers and small investors often get blindsided by some of the provisions that should apply only to businesses.

We need citizen legislators and administrations - not career politicians.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Chris J. Karr

Speaking of the bill being DOA: https://www.yahoo.com/news/kevin-mccarthy-disavows-30-percent-071657725.html

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