Interesting column Steve. couple of comments regarding the organizations letter. Here's the opening paragraph: "Our Nation is in deep peril. We are in a fight for our survival as a Constitutional Republic like no other time since our founding in 1776. The conflict is between supporters of Socialism and Marxism vs. supporters of Constitutional freedom and liberty."

Supporters of socialism and marxism? Really? This is why i grow weary, why i believe trump exacerbated every aspect of how we go forward. And to be fair, from both sides. I've written it a hundred times, the freaky fringes of either party are not where most of us reside. There's little value in calling democrats marxists or republicans fascists.

Sadly that is where we are. You know that letter was severely criticized by countless numbers of military leaders across both parties. I suspect you also know one of the authors of it was Army Brig General Don Bolduc who was running for the US Senate in New Hampshire and was an ardent trump supporter who was catering to trump's base.

I also think you are smarter than most and suggesting this letter wasn't clearly directed at the election being stolen is pure silliness. There is a lot to unravel in that paragraph but let's focus on this one sentence: " The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020."

I don't want to insult your intelligence but what the hell am i missing? You know as well as i do, the Supreme Court, the FBI nor the 60 court cases brought before judges found any proof of election irregularities in the 2020 election. I know, what about Arizona and Cyber Ninja's? Perhaps someday they will get over Covid19 and hammer out their results. I can hardly wait.

To your point, zealots are a pain in the ass. I have no sense putting their zeal in a plastic bag and zipping it comes close to what need happen. I was one at a point in time and i have come to understand my zeal only added to the misery index. This country desperately need tap into the mushy middle and start working to fix the morass we are trapped in. Sadly, zealots will never let that happen.

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Right wing media like Steve has been calling democrats socialists and marxists for decades. Years before Trump ever came on the scene. I think we are too quick to give Trump the credit for things other evil people have been doing for much longer than he has. It's really important to make that point when half of Steve's article is about Rush, the man most responsible for breaking republican minds with his lies, hate, and conspiracies. Or Erick who seems intent to carry on his legacy(christian witness be damned).

It's why they spend so much time bashing actual media.

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Many democrats are socialist and they all promote increased government intervention as a solution to every problem. Most state politicians have allowed the feds to take over what should be their role. They do not plan or execute state governmental functions. They spend money to buy votes and blame the federal government for lack of funds for necessities.

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Curtis here makes a good exhibit 1 when talking about broken republican minds.

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Joe has already failed and it will not get better.

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