Dec 22, 2020Liked by Susan Bagwell

Truth runs deep in this post, based on timeless permanent Scriptural principles.

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Thank you.

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We arrived here through the non separation of church and state. The true questions are, is it possible for them to be separated, what is church and state, and can church or state regulate a society praying for its own demise?

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Wow. Hate runs deep in this post that professes so much religious principles.

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Sometimes truth just looks like hate to those who hate truth.

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Your truth is based only on your ideas of behavior and decorum and what you think is the will of God. Your writing is disrespectful, intolerant and insulting to a President and his supporters who believe in a strong USA with a vibrant economy. You resort to insulting others because you do not like the President's personality. My truth is that Mr. Trump has tried against overwhelming odds to keep the promises he made.

I do not believe a true Christian could support an administration that does not condemn murder by abortion. You are denying the truth if you think the damage done by a dishonest socialist administration that controls all of Congress and the White House will be self-correcting.

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I dont, which is why I scoff at the idea Trump supporters are 'Christian,' based on how willing they are to overlook his increased funding for Planned Parenthood.

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Dec 20, 2020Liked by Steve Berman, Susan Bagwell

I always love to read comments from trump supporters who see him as the second coming. I found your article to be wonderfully refreshing; "mango messiah" indeed. We all now know if you don't embrace the craziness of his claims we are scorned, demeaned and mentally unbalanced. Of course that is only logical because, well you know, the true believers are "patriots." Think not? Just ask them, any of them.

On a more fun note (nice transition eh?), as i was reading this column i found myself thinking i have read this writer before. I reread the authors name as i was halfway through and thought; Susan sounds right, but Bagwell doesn't ring a bell. I would swear on a stack of bibles that what i was reading was written by one of my fav's from years back.

So help me out here and tell me if i am crazy or is my memory better than it should be at 72 years of age. Am i (W)right about this one Susan? Either way, Curtis is like a good rectal thermometer, if you see that temperature rising, you know you've written a bang-up column. and suitable for framing.

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Susan Wright, it is. I got married a bit over a year ago. 'Bagwell' is my married name.

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I quit reading redstate after they removed you from the site. Glad to find you again.

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Yeah, even being a nearly a decade older than you, I had already decided the author was indeed Susan Wright. The intolerant tone , the hatred of President Trump, and the attempt to preempt criticism by inserting "I see it coming" phrases and, as you mentioned, digs such as "mango Messiah" almost certainly identified her as the author. Her hate exceeds her Christian credentials. She (and you) voting for an un-American platform simply to punish a President because of his personality is the ultimate never-Trump. If the democrats take the senate, we may never recover.

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Dec 21, 2020Liked by Susan Bagwell

Oops, let me fix this for you Curtis; Susan wrote "mango messiah," not "mango Messiah. I suspect that wasn't an error of omission with the capitalization but a reflection more of how she sees trump...small cap, small person.

And to be even more blunt; are you shitting me? Biden has an un-American platform while the current GOP platform is whatever trump wants. Remember they were the party without one. Now we watch as 300,000 plus Americans are dead, heading to 4000 deaths per day, had our security suffer the biggest breach in our history (by Russia btw, unless of course Pompeo is now part of the deep state) and the only concern trump has is Hunter Biden and his stolen election (which is pure crap, just ask Mitch).

The real un-American's are the idiots calling for martial law, and holding a new election. They are the ones who can't get their head around the fact people hated trump so much they turned out in record numbers to kick his ass to the curb. And while i despise his lack of humanity, the bigger issue is he isn't qualified to be president: Not in temperament, not intellectually and not morally. He surrounds himself with the worst of the worst and he still comes out looking like a loser...which he is.

Sorry for the length and the hostility i show. trump brings out the ugly in people. To end on a bright note, congrats Susan, good to hear about getting married and finding a new home on The Racket.

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The only way you can blame the breach on Trump is because he didn't fire all of the fools entrenched in the bureaucracy who use the Hillary safeguards methods. There is no way to blame the virus on Trump. In a free society, there is no way to lock everyone in their homes. Most of us have become accustomed to eating and rebel against the idea of waiting on our rations distribution from the government which in itself would spread the virus and infect those who do the work. There is no excuse for destroying the economy while, at the same time endangering the citizens who do essential work. The President has done well to balance the economy with an accelerated program for treatments and vaccines.

The trump platform is far better than what I see coming from the democrats. If you like a senile president, weak military, China having their way in trade, industry being strangled by useless regulations, loss of second amendment rights, open borders, rioting, burning and looting and government healthcare, you might see it differently.

I do not know anyone calling for martial law. The only call I know of is for adjudication of what appear to be serious voting irregularities that never-Trumps refuse to accept as realities.

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Dec 22, 2020Liked by Susan Bagwell

Why do Trump supporters assume it's his personality that we dislike. No sir, it's his policies, his narcissism and crazy liberal policies that we dislike. And of course a good Trump supporter always justifies their support by claiming Democrats are ALL Socialists, meanwhile Trump's socialists polies get applauded.

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It always comes back to abortion. Like the rest of those sins in that book don't matter. Funny enough there are 7 deadly sins and abortion didn't make the list. But when you are trying to justify the unjust you can make up so many lies.

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One of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not kill. One of the seven deadly sins: Pride. Pride is an excessive view of one's self without regard for others.

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You're talking about Trump, right? I dont think there's a single Commandment he hasnt violated, but when he does it, it's cool, right?

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Dec 21, 2020Liked by Susan Bagwell

You do know another of those commandments is to not covet your neighbors wife right? And that Trump is on video doing exactly that. Not to mention his own freaking daughter. But whatever, its not us who are blinded by just what a monster he is.

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I don't know that he coveted his neighbor's wife. He definitely coveted women other than his own wife. Although it doesn't make it right, I'm guessing all his wives have gotten what they wanted out of the marriage.

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Jan 10, 2021Liked by Susan Bagwell

In hindsight, Susan's warning didn't go far enough!

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So it would appear. :(

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