
The case may be stronger after the weakest 6 counts were thrown out. For Willis to personally handle this case now would be political suicide for her. So she has to hand it off, and the one person she could easily do that to resigned by Judge McAfee’s order. So she might stay on until close to the court date and then step away, hoping she can salvage her political career. In any case, it won’t be before November.

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I dunno, I think she’s in for the long haul. The rewards are greater than the risk for her. Taking down Trump would overshadow her personal flaws and turn her into a Democratic hero. Plus, as you said, I’m not sure who she’d hand it to.

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Yeah I think the damage is done and she needs to ride it out.

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Her behavior was above appalling and she should be disbarred.

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I think for the sake of the case, it's better if Willis also stepped aside and allow her line prosecutors to take up the task. Her stench of corruption will follow her anywhere, and that alone will be used as as political weapon against Democrats. Trump lost Georgia by 11,000 votes, and I can imagine it will be once again a close call in 2024 election. The way she behaved on the stand makes my hair stand up, her arrogance, like Trump's, knows no boundaries.

At least the judge pointedly said in his opinion that there's reasonable questions regarding Willis and Wade's truthfulness on the stand. That may be grounds for an ethics complaint to Georgia bar, so Willis and Wade are not completely out of woods yet.

If the case against Trump and other defendants is strong, then it's better for everyone if Willis for once swallows her hubris and allow a line prosecutor with a clean record take up the case. That way Trump can't use Willis as a punching bag in his campaign speeches.

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Taking down Trump with a Fulton County jury is no great feat although it is somewhat more difficult than doing it with a DC or NYC jury. Their tactic is to just get the case before a jury and hope it is not reversed on appeal.

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