Feb 24, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Never heard of the horseshoe theorem but it seems to have some validity in some ways. More importantly, I'm glad you are doing well with an optimistic prognosis.

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Really, 4 years of Trump and no Russian Expansionism, 4 years of Trump and we had European Nations starting to pay the share they had originally agreed to and 4 years of Trump and no one left Nato. Now that the Russian interference in the 2016 election has been determined to be a democrat false flag event, where do you see the evidence that Trump did anything to help Russia that leads to your comment. Just more Trump Hatred.

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It is a massive jump to get from not wanting America to spend billions on Biden's war in Ukraine to those same people being Pro Putin. I do not support the American financing this war and I am not pro Putin.

Also, ideological difference between the Nazi's and the communists is a non issue as it had nothing to do with their goals, the issue is that both of these regimes wanted big government controlling every single aspect of life. Sound Familiar, today Democrats in America want exactly that and when they achieve it, it is not even a small jump to get a similar outcome to Nazi Germany and/or Socialist Russia.

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