You seem to be willing to forgive and move on at a time when the nation is red hot in its outrage at the latest Trump / Republican high crimes. For any type a "healing" to take place going forward, appropriate punishment needs to be meeded out to those responsible for murder and sedition.
What we have just witnessed is a sitting president inspiring a tin pot revolt against congress in order to defer or outright eliminate legitimate election results. If there were ever a crime that fits removal from office and banishment from politics, it is this.
Further compounding the problem is the almost complete lack of contrition by this president and the need to deprogram 75 million voters who will continue to carry this torch into the next 4 years and beyond. I can think of nothing better to mark the epitaph of the Republican party than to see the Republican side of the senate, once again reject the removal of Trump, thereby sealing their fate as the party of authoritarianism. It is not just Trump which must be rejected, but his enablers who allowed this unconstitutional horror to proceed to this point.
We now know that a decent number of Trump supporters are willing to 1) travel long distances, 2) arm themselves, violate laws, 4) commit violence for their leader. Trump must be held accountable for his crimes, but avoiding a civil war / actual rebellion is a high priority. Bloodshed may be inevitable but keeping it to a minimum is the goal. Democrats would love to create an authoritarian state to handle Trumpists while depriving the rest of us of constitutional rights. We need to handle this well because it’s complicated.
Sorry Steve, mercy for trump is well beyond my capacity. Nope, don't see the need to waste time on either invoking the 25th amendment or an impeachment that has no chance of passing. Been there, done that.
That said, i do see the need to investigate the culpability of his actions regarding the assault on the Capital and those 5 people who are now dead. That will take time, and drag well on past his remaining days in office. So be it. And, if others who helped encourage the attack are found in part responsible, they should too be taken to task.
With all of that out of the way, here is the sober reality: 5 dead from the other days events is tragic...yesterday 4100 plus American's died due to his failed leadership. Worse yet, those numbers will grow with each passing day. For that, his failure in leadership regarding the pandemic, is truly where the anger, frustration and no sense of mercy for this man comes so easy for me.
You seem to be willing to forgive and move on at a time when the nation is red hot in its outrage at the latest Trump / Republican high crimes. For any type a "healing" to take place going forward, appropriate punishment needs to be meeded out to those responsible for murder and sedition.
What we have just witnessed is a sitting president inspiring a tin pot revolt against congress in order to defer or outright eliminate legitimate election results. If there were ever a crime that fits removal from office and banishment from politics, it is this.
Further compounding the problem is the almost complete lack of contrition by this president and the need to deprogram 75 million voters who will continue to carry this torch into the next 4 years and beyond. I can think of nothing better to mark the epitaph of the Republican party than to see the Republican side of the senate, once again reject the removal of Trump, thereby sealing their fate as the party of authoritarianism. It is not just Trump which must be rejected, but his enablers who allowed this unconstitutional horror to proceed to this point.
We now know that a decent number of Trump supporters are willing to 1) travel long distances, 2) arm themselves, violate laws, 4) commit violence for their leader. Trump must be held accountable for his crimes, but avoiding a civil war / actual rebellion is a high priority. Bloodshed may be inevitable but keeping it to a minimum is the goal. Democrats would love to create an authoritarian state to handle Trumpists while depriving the rest of us of constitutional rights. We need to handle this well because it’s complicated.
Sorry Steve, mercy for trump is well beyond my capacity. Nope, don't see the need to waste time on either invoking the 25th amendment or an impeachment that has no chance of passing. Been there, done that.
That said, i do see the need to investigate the culpability of his actions regarding the assault on the Capital and those 5 people who are now dead. That will take time, and drag well on past his remaining days in office. So be it. And, if others who helped encourage the attack are found in part responsible, they should too be taken to task.
With all of that out of the way, here is the sober reality: 5 dead from the other days events is tragic...yesterday 4100 plus American's died due to his failed leadership. Worse yet, those numbers will grow with each passing day. For that, his failure in leadership regarding the pandemic, is truly where the anger, frustration and no sense of mercy for this man comes so easy for me.
Agreed. But all the same, grace is more powerful than punishment, or war.