
"Is this how people who will have written about Armageddon, and who find themselves living through the eschaton feel when it finally happens?"


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There are no profiles in courage to be found in the House.

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023

The Democrats are the opposition: of course they voted for removal. Could they have been persuaded to save McCarthy? Sure: but then, he'd have to have given *something*, which he refused to do. On the contrary, he has intentionally antagonized the Democratic Caucus - and even when they provided the majorities needed for raising the debt ceiling or passing the budget CR he turns around and attacks them.

The most annoying thing is how those that vilify Democrats as being literal evil are also stating that it's their responsibility to be the adults in the room protecting the toddlers (e.g. the GOP) from themselves. Well, the GOP is ostensibly made up of adults and they're the majority - they gotta figure it out.

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One thing to note: even if the new Speaker is anti-Ukraine, the pro-Ukraine GOP members can join with Democrats to submit a discharge petition and pass a bill providing aid.

I'm not holding my breath that the pro-Ukraine GOP members have the spine to do so, but it *is* something they could do if they actually gave a damn.

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At 75 years of age, i would like to think two of the values taught me were accountability and responsibility which resulted in ownership of our actions (or lack thereof). What we've watched since 2016 has escalated and become standard fare. In fact it's trump's theme song, rallying cry; it's someone else's fault. It's not; those that do it, own it.

This morning on The Bulwark, Charlie went to great lengths (as have many others), to show why the Democrat's had a dozen reasons not to save Kevin; all valid. What might get more interesting is if the dem's get on board with a more normal pick; say Scalise over Jordan (i think it takes a whole house vote).

While some of you may disagree, i lay the blame at redistricting as being at the core of this mess. Carving out safe districts where there is no danger of losing eliminates any accountability. Sadly the trump led republicans (certainly not conservatives) have become quite comfortable trying to lead from a minority position rather than attracting new voters to become the majority.

How pathetic is that?

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Let's not forget the lack of term limits as well

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