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Back in another lifetime, BR (before retirement) i had cause to come in contact with newspaper writers and had the good fortune to take some related classes. Over the years i came to understand good writing was only as compelling as a great headline. Literally, when done well, it was like proverbial car crash, impossible to look away from.

I told you the other day, you and your son had a great header...this one equally such. I say that with all due respect because "click bait" journalism is ruining one of the joys in my life: A good read.

Finally this line is/was a killer; the icing on the cake if you will: "God has the right to sort these. It is our duty to serve good."

We don't always agree, but tip of the hat brother.

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Thank you. Headlines have always been my weak spot. But I guess even a stopped watch is right twice a day. I guess I got both of mine in the same week.

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I suspect Steve, much like your article stated, it's a learned skill. For many, headlines were throwaways. The best newspapers used to have folks who just wrote them. No pressure, but when people who like to write understand the value of a great headline, they work a little harder at it.

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