“This feels like 9/11 – only worse.”
That was it. That was exactly what I thought to myself four years ago, as I watched fellow Americans on live television attacking our Capitol, attempting to overthrow our republic and install Donald Trump as king, by force and terrorism. I thought exactly that, and I will admit this – I wept. My heart was broken. I knew nothing good would come out of Donald Trump. I knew there was no low too low for him to stoop, in order to get his way. He is contemptible and corrupt. I did not, however, imagine that even at their most disappointed, that the dregs that follow him would attempt to overthrow our government in his honor.
Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?
For the last 4 years, there have been outright liars and paid Russian stooges across social media and in some of the more wretched and corrupt recesses of network “news” who have claimed that the events of January 6, 2021 were “peaceful” and legitimate acts of protest.
Save for a very small handful, GOP lawmakers have all fallen right in line with the lie of January 6 being a peaceful, lawful protest, rather than the seething cauldron of MAGA scum, destructive and murderous, that we all saw on live television, or social media (considering so many of those halfwits livestreamed proof of their lawless activities, leading to their arrests).
For 6 years, I focused the bulk of my writing on calling out the incompetence, corruption, and dangers of Donald Trump and his cult. Nobody wanted me to be wrong more than I did. On January 6, 2021, everything I rejected about Trump and his mindless cult followers came to fruition. We saw a radicalized group of poorly educated, morally bankrupt, corrupted fellow Americans attack the foundations of their – OUR – nation, in service to a single man. And many of them saw this as a service to God.
Because to too many of them, Donald Trump is their god.
Some of the more ludicrous liars of the J6 apologists crew will post footage of those walking in, then walking out of the Capitol building.
See? TOTALLY peaceful! Now, go back to sleep.
Meanwhile, at the same time, there are insurrectionists beating Capitol police officers with poles, cursing them, crushing them in doors, stealing their equipment, smashing windows, stealing and destroying federal property, and all while waving MAGA flags.
They roamed the halls of the Capitol building calling for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I don’t think the same group of reprobates that mocked her elderly husband’s attack from a deranged man with a hammer wanted to give her hugs and high fives, were they to find her.
They erected a gallows outside and called for then-Vice President Mike Pence to be hanged.
Even some of the same Republican lawmakers who, today, tout the peaceful and noble purposes of the J6 mob, were seen on video footage of that day scurrying for safety, like sewer rats (looking at you, Hotrod Hawley).
A radicalized Ashli Babbitt, emboldened by the cause for the glory of Trump, ignored the warnings of Lieutenant Michael Byrd, with his gun drawn, and tried to make her way through a smashed window. In doing his duty, Lt. Byrd fired one shot, effectively neutralizing the threat to the lawmakers he was tasked with protecting.
There were no more Ashli Babbitts, because something about seeing one of your fellow insurrectionists bleeding out on a dirty floor at your feet tends to blunt that feeling of MAGA invincibility.
Still, there was so much damage done that day, in both property and lives. All of it was uncalled for. It didn’t need to happen.
The subsequent January 6 Committee uncovered a lot of what happened leading up to, during, and after that wretched day. So many traitors within our leadership were uncovered.
It was telling that even those lawmakers who cowered away from the mob were unwilling to serve on the committee, or to take part in attempting to find out why this happened. They simply fell in line.
Then again, we know scumbags like Mike Lee, Mark Meadows, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks, and others were active participants in planning the events of that day. It makes what Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney did for the committee all the more noble.
Recently, Marjorie Taylor Greene, the obnoxious, 3-toed harridan from Georgia, openly admitted that if things had been “her way,” January 6 would have been successful.
There’s a reason Greene, along with a few other GOP lawmakers, asked for pardons from Trump before even being charged. What did they think was going to be uncovered? What did they think they were going to be charged with?
We have seen the rise of some of the most unserious, coarse, and unproductive rhetoric from our nation’s Capital since the introduction of Trumpism. When you look at people like Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Trump, himself, it’s as if someone scraped black mold from the darkest, dirtiest recesses of some damp cellar, covered it in an American flag, and it became sentient.
Then dumber people voted for it.
The hope for those of us who still cling to the dream of a free republic was that January 6 would be a warning and a lesson, but sadly, that has not been the case.
With outside money from geopolitical foes, intent on seeing our status on the world stage diminished, and the help of wealthy oligarchs, appealing to the dull wit and fragile ego of Donald Trump, we shall see the job that was started on January 6, 2021 finished in 2 weeks from today.
Somehow, the man who was rejected in 2020 has managed to carry his grievances to enough voters to win back control of the nation he tried to overthrow. He has vowed to implement things that go against everything our republic was meant to be – and his sycophants applaud him for it.
He has vowed to grow the government to unsustainable limits, in order to shrink the government – and no one in his cult circle sees this as insane.
Can someone tell me what an “oxymoron” is? Anyone?
He is allowing an unelected, unhinged billionaire, with an eye on corrupting and disrupting every allyship our nation has maintained for decades, while acquiescing to our geopolitical enemies, to take a hefty leadership role in our government – and his cult calls this good.
It wouldn’t be out of line to wonder if Trump really is the president, or is he just a figurehead, at this point.
There is no benefit to allowing Donald Trump and his cabal of anti-American, anti-Constitution miscreants to take office. We will all suffer, and this is not hyperbole. We have seen this before in other nations. Our republic has always been a delicate balancing act. It has always relied on civic-minded, informed and sober patriots to keep it stable.
We no longer have that. We no longer can rely on the patriotism of our neighbors, because too many of them now measure patriotism by one’s loyalty to Trump, rather than loyalty to our founding principles.
I’d like to say that January 6, 2021 was the last time I wept for our nation. I’d like to say that it will never happen again. More so, I hope when the time comes, rather than simply weep and hold grievance against those among us who stupidly ignored the warnings, who celebrated J6 as patriotic, and who brought us down, that I and others will be willing to do what our forefathers would do, when faced with existential threats to our freedoms and our republic.
I hope we have the strength to fight, and never forget what happened that day, or why it will forever be a national disgrace.
To clarify, for those with civic senses so dulled that you dont get it, J6 was worse than 9/11 because 9/11 was done by outsiders, with no allegiance to our Constitution, and no other purpose than to harm us. J6 was perpetrated by fellow Americans, from the inside, with the purpose of fundamentally destroying our republic and installing a king by force. That is why it is and always will be worse.
Autocracies rewrite history so that things that clearly happened just...didn't happen. That's what we're seeing re Jan 6. And we'll see more.