Sep 7, 2021Liked by David Thornton

You know as well as i do David, it's called the news cycle. Stories come in, are hot and then they are gone. It's been that way forever. Oddly if you watch Fox versus CNN the cycles vary based on whose ox they can gorge. Of course there is a bias.

Anyone that thinks there's some master conspiracy behind it is most likely hoping to keep the "bad news" in front of people. I get it. Every politician understands that whatever is horrible today is gone tomorrow. It's simply the way the world turns.

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To the main point of your story, I do believe the media can ignore, slant and obfuscate stories until they are forgotten, which is often, or until a significant portion of the public becomes convinced that the media has it right. Of course conservative and progressive media do this. In the real world, conservative media is a definite minority. Right-wing blogs with a million readers can't reach the public like ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, et. al. can. Only Fox News comes close.

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Tort reform is a noble goal and nuisance lawsuits are a problem that should not be encouraged by the state. Of course states do little to discourage such lawsuits when the outcome might further the politics of the state's ruling party. The bankruptcy of Remington and subsequent offer to settle the Sandy Hook lawsuit is a prime example. Similar lawsuits against gun manufacturers are routinely allowed to proceed by California judges, the latest being in July 2021. It's not just gun manufacturers who have to contend with that crap. Energy companies, farmers, miners, utilities and heavy industry of all types are targeted by left wing activists, all of whom vote democrat unless there are socialists or communists on the ballot..

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