
My only comment here is that Trump deserves his people and his people deserve him. Even when they boo him he basks in the attention. Even when he tells them the truth they beg for more lies. It’s a match made in…somewhere.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by David Thornton

Alex Jones is calling Trump an idiot for pushing the vaccine: this, paired with the boos at the rally, will likely mean Trump doesn't try to push it again.

Also: we've got full FDA approval for the Pfizer vax, so expect mandates from businesses to start flying.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by David Thornton

I think that while some of the Trump base will not listen to Trump(there are a few who were notorious anti-vaxxers even before Trump came unto the political scene in 2015. And Trump's words of encouragement won't change their minds), there are others that have and will. I also think the sharp rise of hospitalizations due to the Delta variant and subsequent deaths resulting from it, are waking a lot of people up. Not everyone among the vax-hesitant is a hardened anti-vaxxer. Trump-skeptic conservatives like you David, me, and many others who comment at the Racket News, will not have the same reach to these vax hesitant Trump supporters as he and other prominent supporters. While I wish that Trump did more of this months ago, I'll appreciate anything pro-vax that comes from his mouth. A life saved is a live saved, and a good thing.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by David Thornton

It would be amazing if a political party put themselves out of power by literally killing their voters with lies and conspiracies.

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