Jun 1, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

I think if people like Mike Flynn, Sydney Powell, and Lin Wood did what they do now decades ago, the deleterious consequential effects of their seditious demagoguery would have far less of an impact. But we live in an age of new media(social media, e-mail, blogs, etc), where misinformation, no matter how ludicrous and false, can spread like a wildfire raging through a forest that has been doused with millions of gallons of gasoline. And after such falsehoods spread far and wide to so many people, it snares those among the populace who are easily gullible and those who aren't politically informed. These crazy QAnon types may not be large in number, but they keep pouring gasoline on the inferno of lies, deceiving millions. We all have heard the saying, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it"(I only just now found out that there isn't any evidence that Goebbels said it, though it is popularly attributed to him). I really think that in an age where a flood of information, both truth and lies, can be easily obtained through a click of a mouse, that collectively we as Americans needs to exercise better discernment in determining whether what we hear and read about is true, or not.

Wood, Powell, and Flynn are off the charts nuts and crazy. I mean anyone calling for a Myanmar style coup, martial law, and the public execution of elected officials who refused to exercise extraconstitutional powers to try to steal the election from Biden, are easily fringe extremists who are enemies to the Constitution and our Republic. As you accurately said David, they are traitors. With that said, I believe that with some few exceptions(Liz Cheney, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Peter Meijer, Pat Toomey, Jaime Hererra-Beutler, and others), congressional Republicans and many right of center political commentators(Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Dan Bongino, Dinesh D'Souza, among others) have done more than just about anyone else to mainstream seditious

behavior and beliefs. They have done far more damage than anything that Wood, Powell, and Flynn could've done by themselves.


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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

You alluded to anti-democratic actions being taken by the GOP: a round-up/explainer of various measures at the State-level would be great (e.g. TX, GA, AZ, etc...).

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That would be a big job. I think there were about 47 “election reform” bills in the various states. Steve did a good job on the GA bill, but each is pretty big and changing constantly.

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