May 18, 2023Liked by David Thornton

TikTok might be a security threat that should be shut down, but I don't think any one state can do it. The Feds need to get their act together and take appropriate action as determined by an honest assessment.

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May 18, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Only hope was left in Pandora’s box when she slammed it shut. Can’t help but think that all the evils of the internet are here to stay.

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May 18, 2023Liked by David Thornton

Internet gambling bans work because the apps/sites require personal info like one's full address 'cause any winnings will result in generation of a 1099 form, which is a Federal requirement.

There's no Fed requirement to provide your address for a video app. This law will not last long.

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It’s a little different though. Accessing TikTok or having the app on your phone isn’t illegal, it’s aimed at app stores and platforms that provide downloads. A lot of those may be beyond Montana’s reach.

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Only slightly, in that now the app store has to know more than just "In the USA" - which they do not currently have to do.

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10000 people a day with not clarity on identity, or home country is not immigration it is an invasion and that is why Texas sent in guardsman to slow it down. over 4 million invaders are wandering around America and we have no idea, who they are, where they are and what damage they are doing. Thanks Joe Biden.

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On title 42 ending, you did not give enough credit to the state of Texas for actually sending guardsman down to border sections to actually stand and repel illegals coming into the country. Unlike the Biden military presence which really was just aimed at helping with the paperwork to further the invasion, Texas actually stopped them.

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

Immigration is not an invasion.

"As a matter of logic and common sense, the equation of illegal migration and invasion makes little sense. Invasion involves large-scale use of force (or at least threat of force) to seize territory. Russia's attack on Ukraine is an invasion. Migrants crossing a border in search of freedom and opportunity are not. We do, of course, have metaphorical uses of the word "invasion," as with "invasion of privacy" or even the 1960s "British Invasion" of UK rock music. But such metaphorical uses should not be conflated with literal ones. Claims that immigration is a kind of "invasion" are about the latter."

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Tell what your commonsense description of several million illegals entering the country each year would be. Are they simply tourists who took a wrong turn somewhere? Good grief. They are criminals coming here to take whatever they can get from the economy and citizens of the USA. They cost the taxpayer billions of dollars and pump out thousands of new citizens who are born as wards of the state.

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May 20, 2023·edited May 20, 2023

Desire to immigrate to the USA, and an ability to walk here.

You don't know any of their criminal histories. Why are you calling them criminals, other than their entry status?

You need to check your numbers, 'cause most are hard working and net contributors.

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By definition illegal aliens are criminal. 39 million social security numbers have been stolen by illegal aliens. Most illegal aliens receive welfare costing more than $100 billion in one way or another. Many have minor children born here who are eligible for SNAP benefits.

They demand even more. Have you followed the vandalism they did to New York hotels? Have you seen them turn up their noses at facilities (better than some accommodations I had in the US Army) prepared for them in NYC?

A few individuals are net positives but more than 50% of all non-citizens utilize welfare.

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May 21, 2023·edited May 21, 2023

Using a stolen SSN means they pay taxes into the system while being ineligible to receive those benefits. And because their not eligible for the EITC they also pay higher taxes. And of course paying sales tax, and funding property taxes by paying rent.

A US citizen is eligible for SNAP/WIC: oh no. Heaven forfend. What ever shall we do?

Remember: that US citizen then goes on to contribute to the economy, and typically moreso than their parents did.

And also remember: undocumented immigrants do the jobs no American want to or will do - 'cause nobody wants to pick fruit/vegetables.(there've been programs to hire citizens, nobody shows up).

I think your numbers are way off.

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I've heard that argument before - probably several times from you. I'm not swayed or impressed. They are criminals and they are not a net positive. There are several sources that put the number of illegal aliens in the USA at about 40 million. If 39 million of them stole SSNs that is a pretty high criminality rate. I do not know how many of them filed a tax return and got a refund before the legitimate SSN holder but is not an inconsiderable number. I assisted low income and elderly taxpayers with their returns for ten years (quit the year I turned 80). You would be surprised how many had that problem and had to get PINs from the IRS to file their returns. It happened to my son, and it took two years for him to get a $2400 refund he was due.

Illegals do the jobs Americans won't because citizens get away with sitting on their asses and collecting welfare benefits. Some of them have communal arrangements and are able to live well enough on benefits. I picked fruits and vegetable and worked in meat packing before I started to college. During the Great Depression my dad was unable to attend college and worked in CCC camps to help his family and had to relocate to the camp to do it. There is no shame in doing legitimate work in lieu of living on welfare. You would think it is akin to slavery the way democrats are fighting work requirements associated with welfare. They would rather let the USA go into default than lose the deadbeat vote.

Regarding citizens newly born to illegals, SNAP benefits aren't restricted to baby formula, so it is just a way for illegals to get fed cheaply. I do not know much about illegals in California. I do know in Georgia they fill up the schools and hospital emergency rooms with minor children.

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