More about who's hesitant about vaccine.


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This is very interesting. I've been under the impression that attitudes regarding vaccinations largely broke down on political lines. It turns out that this is a bit more complicated than what has been the narrative lately.

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It depends on what we're talking about, e.g. vaccines in general or COVID-19 specifically. Nicholas Grossman has a good thread of the "types" of anti-vaxxers, and who may be gettable.


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That is a very informative thread here. I think now that I've read it, his breakdowns of the vax skeptic/anti-vax types seem to be right on the money.

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OMG; after the two columns today, yours and Steve's i think a cage match or tables and ladders match is in order. For real, imagine ticket sales to see two good friends throwing one or the other off a twelve foot tall cage. Spectacular.

Just kidding, it is really more is a set up for the question: "what's going to happen over the next 6 weeks?" Now that professional wrestling has brought back the crowds (predominantly in red states where vaccination rates are pathetic), will there be a spread? Screaming, drinking, spitting and being bellicose is the norm. No masks, no social distancing just out there having fun. Sorry, not for me.

It gets better, or worse. We are already seeing athletes pulled from the Olympics. They have to have been really careful and yet they still test positive. How many will there be before they are done? We'll see,

Delighted you brought up the dirty dozen. I didn't get into it with Steve in my response this morning but read the articles and like you was delighted to see it came from an outside organization. Tracking that should be simple and once identified easy to fix. What won't be easy is to change the minds of those already poisoned by the crap they touted.

Finally, don't look for trump to do anything to help people get vaccinated. You know darned well his deal is simply getting the suckers to pony up and the only way to do that is by feeding them the red, tainted meat.

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Those who are “poisoned” (your words) would likely choose news outlets and sources that already agree with their views. Just like many people already do in every area of their lives. In the end, vaccination is a deeply personal decision. Those who are reticent need to be persuaded, and those who believe the vaccines are some kind of antichrist are likely not going to react to being told they’re believing lies.

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I have no quarrel with those who chose legitimate news outlets including both on the left and the right. It is human nature to gather information that reinforces our beliefs. With that caveat out of the way, the point about being "poisoned" was more directed at the "dirty dozen' who have infected followers with misinformation and click bait articles that get shared over and over again.

There is a distinct difference with legitimate sources who have differing political points of view and the scummy who just want you to follow and support their agenda (making money off the suckers). Or those who have sold out their beliefs and are just trying to suck up to trump and his followers. Surely you wouldn't try and tell me those kinds of people aren't out there would you Steve?

Your point about those who are reticent and who have real fears are spot on. That's why i am dumbfounded anyone would be opposed to a door to door campaign of education regarding vaccinations. If you don't want to hear, don't let them in. If they can help you get over your fears, open the door. Calling them brown shirts might be a bit over the top.

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Anyone who shows up at the door (and it happened to us at my home with Fulton County Health Department) saying they are from the government and are here to help us not going to be well received.

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And that's your choice. Makes sense to me to be rude rather than simply telling them you've already been vaccinated.

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"In the end, vaccination is a deeply personal decision."

Horsecrap. Vaccination isn't your religion and nobody thought this was the case until idiots decided to make protecting people a partisan issue. I think Americans need a reminder that this country forced isolation on someone without her consent because she was a danger to everyone around her. That wasn't "a deeply personal decision", it was to protect the public from her.

We are one variant away from having to do that to a vast number of Americans because people refuse to do what they should. An unvaccinated person should be banned from everywhere. Their kids shouldn't get anywhere near a school.. Their parents should get fired, barred from church and all public places and have their insurance rates quadruple. That is how you get people who are holdouts vaccinated.

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So put them in internment camps is what you’re saying?

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Nope, their homes. They can stay there if they don't wanna be a responsible member of society.

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And when they’re homeless because they can’t pay rent/mortgage? And how many people will we assign to keep them in their homes? And what if they resist staying?

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That's easy. If their homeless you pick them up for vagrancy(sleeping outside) and on the way to jail you tell the you will drop the charges if they vaccinate. You don't need to to assign anyone to watch them. And if they resist you do what you did with Typhoid Mary and you arrest her.

I know what you're trying to do, but these measures won't seem so extreme if cases and deaths start picking up again. Or if a new strain comes up that puts us right back at square one. People will be demanding a lot more than this for people who didn't vaccinate.

As long as the vaccines hold and its just the unvaccinated that get sick and die, that's fine, let them kill each other. But as soon as the vaccinated start getting sick you will see the temperature rise real fast in this country.

In the mean time people with cancer or other immune compromised systems can just continue hiding or dying. Oh and look the most likely group to not get vaccinated is white "christians". What an absolute shocker!

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That is true. Many people select the news outlets that confirm their biases, for better or for worse.

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Maybe this is a long shot, but perhaps President Biden should call Trump effusively praise him privately for Operation Warp Speed, and then encourage him to publicly push to get his supporters vaccinated. A little charm offensive on Biden's part might help. Realistically, the chances of that happening are slim, but at this point, the outcome matters when it comes to vaccinations, and the President should pull all the stops there.

I also think Biden should recruit some credible Republicans who are pro-vax but have some pull with the Trump base. They should publicly condemn the anti-vaxxers, and do some positive outreach for getting vaccinated, among the Republican base. Recruiting conservative Republicans who are pro-vax to do a grassroots push for vaccination would be a good idea, and that something that Biden should consider. At this point, having reasonable conservative Republicans drive this effort is the way to go.

There is plenty to criticize about Sean Hannity, but on Covid-19 he's taken it seriously, so props to him for that. Hannity has a lot of pull with the Trump base, and him making a push for vaccinations would go a long way in helping. It is really too bad that Tucker Carlson has chosen to use his platform to cause a lot of harm. The fact that he is vaxxed makes his commentary all the more contemptible.

Oh, and then Biden should send Alex Berenson to GITMO while he is at it. He would earn my effusive praise for that.

Okay, just kidding about the latter, but hey.

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I thought the left just wasn't nice enough to people on the right. That we needed to kiss their butts and they would just magically decide to take the vaccine. And now your telling me that people like Trump should actually do something about his own voters not wanting to participate in his administrations greatest success? Absurd! Everyone knows that its the lefts fault and we need to stop holding people responsible for their abject stupidity and selfishness.

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