
First of all, thanks for the shout-out. One additional thought on Youngkin. Despite Democrats' entirely sensible strategy to tie the fellow to Trump, he was the CEO of the freaking Carlyle Group, a firm that's as "establishment" (and classically "swampy") as they come[1]. If anyone who runs on a #MAGA ticket has the potential to snap back to the posture of a classic GOP politico, it's this guy. If he wins, I expect Virginia to get more Governor Romney out of him than Governor DeSantis.

Onto other thoughts from this post.

"Another way that the anti-woke forces veer into jerkdom is with the 'Let’s go, Brandon' meme. If you aren’t familiar with the phrase, you can read about the backstory here. In short, the phrase is code for 'F- Joe Biden.' It doesn’t offer a critique of Biden’s policies or presidency, intelligent or otherwise, it’s just an epithet."

I find this whole "Brandon" thing absolutely hilarious. It's about as clever as a 4-year old making a poop joke, and I find the conservatives who think they're pulling a fast one to be funnier than the joke itself (just like laughing at the 4-year old laughing at his own poop joke, which is funny in its own right). I'm also amused when members of the Left are offended by it, as they really shouldn't be, given that they're personally identifying with Dear Leader Biden in the same manner that the Trumpkins identified with Dear Leader Trump anytime anyone said anything cross about The Former Guy. ("An attack against him is an attack against us all 74 million voters!") The best thing that offended Leftists can do in this situation is roll their eyes and get on with their business (like when your 4-year old won't stop telling poop jokes).

"Erickson also says, 'You will be made to care,' but the truth is that they can’t make you care. The woke scolds only have power over most of us if we let them. People talk about being canceled, but the truth is that the wokes don’t have that power over most of us. About the worst that will happen is we lose a social media account and the truth is that closing your social media account would probably be doing most of us a favor."

100%. If you want to combat Wokism, the best way to do so isn't in raising an army to fight against it, but rather smother it with indifference. Let Kendi and pals fall back into the academic obscurity they deserve. Dealing with this in the workplace? There's a whole Reddit[2] devoted to "malicious compliance" where you can find some inspiration if your employer is bitten by this bug. (Or go self-employed, which is how I avoid all of it.)

Become Dee Snider to Wokism's Tipper Gore.[3]

[1] https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2002/03/18/319881/index.htm

[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/

[3] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veoYcsH7Wrs

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Neither party is the savior it claims to be for our country. Neither party can fix America's broken spiritual condition.

However, as far as I am concerned, as a born-again Christian, I consider GOP to be the lesser of evils. At this point, even though GOP is inflected with many problems, including Trump, for most part, it is far more accepting of evangelical voters like me, and its policies or governance is far less hostile to any type of religious piety.

Disagree with me if you want to, but this is simply my view and I suspect a great deal of people like me also holds this view as well.

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"If we are between a spiritual rock and a hard place when it comes to the political landscape, what are we to do? Charles Spurgeon famously said, “Of two evils, choose neither,” and that’s the key. If it comes down to choosing the lesser evil, then we’ve already lost the battle."

Sounds good but one will get chosen. If you can't find anything to differentiate between the two it doesn't matter and others will do the choosing for you. I personally prefer to have a say-so in the outcome.

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Of course you will be made to care. And just to make sure Erick and all his right wing buddies will tell any lie they need to you to get you to believe it. And then they will pretend they aren't the evil ones because there is nothing a christian is better at then projecting.

I'm sure Erick represented his god well in his twitter spat with Swift. It's just that his god isn't who he thinks it is.

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