
Bully post Steve

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Apr 23Liked by Steve Berman

I agree with divesting from antisemites.

But you still need to arrest all the illegal protesters (I don’t mean the ones holding a placard; but people blocking traffic or occupying school property, absolutely), publish all names and shame, fire employees, and expel students.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Steve Berman

One of the reasons i pay for The Bulwark is the in depth dive from both presenters and in the comments section. Well reasoned without the normal animus that typically thrives in these types of formats. Today was no exception as they covered the rich kid college hissy fits in detail (my description, i tend to be less sympathetic about those enjoying the fruits of their parents labor)

Anyway, your old buddy EE made the screen today. He was one of three highlighted for bashing Biden's lack of commentary on what is going on at Columbia (and other universities). The point was well founded and easily refuted by those way smarter than me.

Here was one of Andrew Egger's posted quotes from Joe Biden: " “Even in recent days, we’ve seen harassment and calls for violence against Jews. This blatant antisemitism is reprehensible and dangerous—and it has absolutely no place on college campuses or anywhere in our country . . . We must speak out against the alarming surge of antisemitism—in our schools, communities, and online. Silence is complicity.”

The claim he has said "nothing" is simply not true. We could argue he should could do more; i guess. Like what" Sending in the national guard? Seems to me the local police handled it the way is should have been handled. Order them to leave and when they don't arrest them. Now it's up the scholol administration to act.

The differences between trump and Biden's leadership style are always on display, aren't they? On one hand we have calm even-handed demeanor and the other hand ranting, raving and calling for someone's head. I know which one i prefer; 100 times out of 100.

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Apr 23Liked by Steve Berman

For Zion's sake...may we never be silent

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Apr 23Liked by Steve Berman

Like I said on my FB share:

Another great post! Calling this out for what it is! There is nothing new under the sun and Satan always overplays his cards AGAIN... but God has the last word and He will "Keep [Israel] as the apple of the eye, hide [them] under the shadow of thy wings." Psalm 17:8

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Pretty sure the reason POTUS can't stop the protests is the First Amendment.

To quote Nicholas Grossman: "I know Republicans like running against “the Left,” rather than Dem politicians and policies, but a campaign built on “the people protesting against Dems, shouting how they hate Joe Biden and want him to lose are secretly in charge of Biden and the Dems” seems like a tough sell."

What's gonna happen is a similar thing that happened to the BLM movement, which was focused on police reform: bad actors come in and take things too far, and the failure of the good faith/non-bad actors to denounce or otherwise separate themselves from the bad actors leads to their original goal (for BLM, police reform) ends up hamstrung.

You can see how Palestinians that want peace denounce the violent rhetoric as being harmful to the Palestinian people and cause: that's what these college kids need to recognize, and will likely fail to do.

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