
Let's say that Biden didn't change the plans about those ships in the Black Sea and fighting breaks out between Russia and Ukraine as Russia attempts to annex more of its neighbor, regardless of the US presence nearby. Would you favor those ships intervening on the Ukrainian side of the conflict (drawing the US into it) or just have them sit there as the two sides shot at each other? And if it did intervene, would the intervention be more than symbolic?

You're taking a very hawkish stand on Russia, but you stop short of saying whether you believe that American lives should be put in harm's way defending Ukrainian borders. How much should Washington commit to defending Kiev from Moscow?

Though not addressed here, there's a similar situation brewing between China and Taiwan. Is your view on our stance with respect to Moscow the same as Bejing, or is there something in your mind that would advise more caution in one instance over the other?

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