May 27, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Strange commentary Susan. Let's see, the tragic events of the last ten days are the fault of the shameless politician's calling for change (because you know it's all fake outrage) and the news media spewing fake statistics and data. Let's argue whether a "school shooting", was inside the walls or in the parking lot. Sorry, not buying it.

I do appreciate you telling us we should remember those laying dead in their coffins with our prayers. Perhaps you want to count the number of times we've had to do that in the past years. I'll agree to whatever criteria you want to use, so we don't get phony stats. The one problem, they are still dead as dead can be.

Perhaps we can rely on Chief Justice Alito to solve this problem for us. You show me anywhere in our founding documents that American's have a constitutional right to bear an AR 15 or an AK 47 than i'll agree with the second amendments right. Just remember, in his opinion, if it doesn't mention it, it's not your right.

Finally, let's give a shout out to those outstanding American politician's who mailed out their Christmas cards with their entire family holding automatic weapons. Way better than those politician's with their fake outrage over the dead. OMG.

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If all you got from this was that the shooting was the fault of politicians, then your reading comprehension skills are pretty much nonexistent.

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My reading comprehension is just fine. I learned a long time ago, the opening paragraph of anything i write sets the tone for what follows. In your case, whatever points you were trying to make in the article about inflated numbers had to start out by attacking politicians as being disingenuous about their anger.

Then sprinkled throughout are the usual rants about the media and how they don't give a damn, they just want to make money. I guess it's far better to do the usual bowed head in prayer and let the killing continue. Those that want to do nothing, i guess to support your position, are at least being honest. More dead people are simply the cost of freedom and then of course the profits of the gun manufacturers.

Think not? Every time this crap happens, gun sales spike more. So excuse the politicians who stand up and speak out. At least back in the day when republicans were normal they were willing to work on legislation like the Brady Bill. How many of those killed would have been around today if it hadn't sunset? How many less guns would there be in the country?

My inclination was to cut and paste your comments relative to my comments, but why bother? When you write stuff, you own it. Sorry if i offended you by pointing it out, but insulting my reading skills doesn't negate what you wrote.

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If you don't like that gun sales spike each time, then perhaps stop the media from gorging themselves on these events, and politicians from using them as quick opportunities to push their own agendas and careers. They're the main reason it happens, and everyone knows it.

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Show me where in the Constitution there's a right to an abortion, or a sex change, or specific healthcare treatments, or internet access, or ownership of a vehicle, or a computer.

I can show you where it says "arms", however.

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Perhaps you'd care to limit an enumerated right into non-existence.

But you really won't like the precedent it'll set for all other rights, including the ones you personally like.

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