No matter what the TV Producers try to tell you, the Right Side of America does not believe it was an insurrection. That being said, I have to admit, the programming by the dems and the anti trumpers was very effective. If you are really looking for an insurrection keep your eyes on the left when Trump gets into office. Remember Russia Russia Russia was a significant lie to remove of the President from his rightfully earned position.

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What the right believes isn’t true in a lot of cases. If the left launches an insurrection, I’ll call them out on it as well.

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The Constitution might need a few tweaks but that would open the door to a thousand special interest groups to get involved and make it untenable. It will never happen. If it did, my special interests would be a strict method of enforcing the Constitution (plain inclusive language, no opinions allowed), a provision for one vote per state to elect a President and Senators selected by the State legislature. All the whining about the electoral college would not have any meaning if the power of the Federal government were minimal and states' rights were as originally intended. California could make use of its place as the fifth largest economy in the world and thrive.

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If the method of selecting the president was different, it would be far more likely that we’d get a strict popular vote. I’m an Electoral College supporter. I think it’s been working as intended.

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I could agree except there are proposals to effectively nullify the electoral college. I've long had my doubts about winner take all electoral votes assigned to a state. I suspect the effect of that is variable, but I have not done or seen an analysis. My thought is keep it simple and proportion electoral college votes (rounded to the nearest whole vote) to reflect the politics of each state's voters. Even more insidious is the popular vote compact which would assign the electoral votes of signatory states to the winner of the nationwide popular vote.

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Why is that insidious?

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Because it potentially could cost the voting majority of a state their opportunity to elect their choice for President.


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insidious (adjective)

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects:

"sexually transmitted diseases can be insidious and sometimes without symptoms"

treacherous; crafty:

"tangible proof of an insidious alliance"

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

But doesn’t the current system “cost the voting majority of [the country] their opportunity to elect their choice for President?”

A state majority seems arbitrary to care about over the national majority when we’re all voting in the same election. That’s my opinion, anyway.

ETA: i appreciate you providing the definition, but I still don’t see what insidious effect the national popular vote would have.

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The USA is supposed to be a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. It was intended that states govern the day to day lives of their citizens. Being governed by a permanent big city, big state majority is unacceptable.

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