
Apparently you CAN walk out of the White House with boxes of TS/SCI documents. Whodathunk?

From WSJ:

“Various classified/TS/SCI documents,” an abbreviation that refers to top-secret/sensitive compartmented information.”

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Aug 12, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

At minimum, this should lead to Congress passing laws forcing all Federal employees (of which POTUS is included) to have a check-out/check-in system for sensitive documents.

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"If the purpose of the FBI’s search warrant for Mar-a-Lago was to keep the retrieval of potentially highly classified documents 'low key,' then President Biden should fire Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray immediately."

Team Trump was the party that reported that the search happened. Not sure what Garland or Wray could have done differently while still fulfilling their legal obligations.

What would AG Berman have done differently?

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Yes. I would have applied for a gag order, which federal prosecutors use to preserve the integrity of investigations that could be in the public eye.


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I would have loved to see how enforceable that would prove to be with Trump.

Nonetheless, that's a great additional step that should have been taken.

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