
"Even though the Court upheld the Texas law in the short term, it is unlikely that there are enough votes to overturn Roe completely. We’ve already seen Chief Justice Roberts, a pro-life judge, shift toward the center on the issue. It is widely believed that Roberts's more recent jurisprudence is focused on preserving the integrity and independence of the Supreme Court for the long term, rather than pushing a particular ideological agenda. There are valid concerns that an unpopular decision could energize Democratic proponents of expanding the Court."

I wouldn't read too much into Roberts' vote here. I can imagine that between this "no one in the gov't to sue" shenanigan (wait until a state uses this law as a template for violating some other protected right, like allowing residents to sue others for promoting anti-vax messages), combined with Biden's attempt to game the Court on the eviction moratorium, the Chief Justice is probably getting pretty damn tired of the other branches and states dumping their crap on his Court. The Mississippi case will be a good one to watch with respect to his position on the issue more so than this too-clever-by-half Texas law, which may only be a process vote for Roberts.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

I think what’s not being considered enough is the implications of allowing people to sue strangers, even in other states, over aiding an abortion. If this draconian aspect of the law stands, it will open the floodgates to these types of laws from the left. Wait until California passes a law allowing anyone to sue gun sellers or owners after a gun is used in a shooting, anywhere in America. This is a terrible law and it’s shameful the Supreme Court punted on it.

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Nailed it. I've been searching for a good example to use to demonstrate how bad this law is and plugging gun rights in place of abortion is the PERFECT example to use.

All of us in Chicago who would love to sue the Indiana gun sellers for the folks shot on our streets with the weapons Indianians(?) sold just got our Christmas a few months early.


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That is a good analogy. It’s a can of worms that should not be opened.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr

"May a licensee sell a firearm to a nonlicensee who is a resident of another State?

Generally, a firearm may not lawfully be sold by a licensee to a nonlicensee who resides in a State other than the State in which the seller’s licensed premises is located. However, the sale may be made if the firearm is shipped to a licensee whose business is in the purchaser’s State of residence and the purchaser takes delivery of the firearm from the licensee in his or her State of residence. In addition, a licensee may sell a rifle or shotgun to a person who is not a resident of the State where the licensee’s business premises is located in an over–the–counter transaction, provided the transaction complies with State law in the State where the licensee is located and in the State where the purchaser resides.

[18 U.S.C. 922(b)(3); 27 CFR 478.99(a)]"

Criminal activity is not confined to Indiana. Criminals who sell weapons illegally are breaking federal laws. They live in every state in the union. They can be arrested by federal agents. Maybe Chicagoans should consider what it is about their culture that welcomes and encourages the gangster lifestyle practiced by so many of their citizens.

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The Feds are finally moving in:

"And the Indiana General Assembly prohibits cities from doing anything stricter on guns than is provided in state law that is designed to make obtaining guns easy."

"Fortunately, the U.S. Justice Department is creating a firearms trafficking strike force in Chicago with intent to crack down on straw purchases in Indiana. The department also added personnel to seek that goal during the Trump Administration. So this is not just a Democratic or Republican approach."

Again, I'll blame it on Indiana's bad influence:

"There are straw buyers and other gun purchasers talking advantage of Indiana’s lax attitude and loopholes to provide a plentiful supply of guns to the non-law-abiding shooters right here in the state."

"At a May 14 news conference in Indianapolis for discussion of a spike in violent crime, participants said the city’s murder rate for 2021 was surpassing Chicago’s rate."

"'Per capita, Indy is actually equaling 1.3 homicides for every one homicide in Chicago,' a Fraternal Order of Police spokesman said."

"At that pace, Indianapolis would break its record homicide total set in 2020."

I think we just need better neighbors.


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Somewhat like federal immigration laws prevent the states from preemptive action to protect their citizens. Criminals are criminals. I attribute the higher homicide rate in Indy to better marksmanship assuming there are similar numbers of shootings.

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Crawled out of bed this morning saw the incredible, wonderful, stupendous biggest news ever and immediately said to my wife we need to move to Texas. Simple reasoning, we can become wealthy beyond our wildest imagination. We can sue all them dang gummed liberals for all their sinning ways. What a country, what a state.

And to make it even better, on September 1 the new gun laws go into place. Imagine; no background checks, no licensing, no nothing to be able to walk around with my 45 locked and loaded. Gun owners freaking heaven. Literally.

Best of all, Governor Abbot's fighting to keep all Texan's safe from those damned masks and the freedom to get those pesky vaccines and letting us go everywhere and anywhere and to hell with that safety crap. All us real American's know it's all a hoax anyway. Don't you dare start to talk about the 300 plus Texan's that died yesterday of covid because they would have died eventually so it's not fair to count them is those over blown statistics.

Yee freaking hah...Texas here we come.

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You can walk around anywhere in the USA with your .45 locked and loaded, no permit, no background check and be an escaped felon. The only qualification is that you be a criminal. With a million illegals from dozens of nations simply wading across the Rio Grande, I'm surprised more people in Texas haven't died from Covid.

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Thanks for the response Curtis, in case you didn't get it brother, satire.

Anyway, let's get right to the point; it's the dirty rotten immigrants eh? Rather than having to say it, let's just use trump's own words:. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." Wasn't very lucid was he?

Dang gotta fix that little bugger, "most are bringing you their covid19." Got it now, nothing to do with piss pour leadership from the gov and his cronies. It's all the immigrants. Seems to me they should round them all up and send them back and then we can watch their economy collapse; and collapse it would.

As far as everyone locked, loaded and kind of strapped (they changed those laws too), seems to me we played that game in the wild west and it worked out great. Wonder why they changed the laws so that you couldn't just blast away whenever you saw fit? Dummies, all just dummies to have try and make people civilized.

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Denial is not satire. You must have been reading the Texas Tribune. And, yes, illegal Hispanics along with illegals from Asia, Europe and Africa are free to spread whatever diseases they happen to have and to carry out whatever terroristic acts they have planned are being dispersed throughout the USA because of the many inept Biden policies.

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During my youth while listening to one of the hundreds of sermons on the "end days" or how christianity would be outlawed I never understood how that could happen. What would make the world hate christians so much? Of course in those days the danger was catholics or muslims becoming more popular and they would outlaw the "true religion" but now I get it.

Christians just enacted a law that takes away a woman's own bodily autonomy and created a law where you are suppose to report crimes you see for cash rewards. It's not hard to imagine this being turned back on them. Especially considering how much of a fraud 99% have shown themselves to be. Just citizens protecting themselves from the evil people.

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And just like that nobody cares about Afghanistan anymore.

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