I drove from Atlanta to El Paso in1965. When I got to Dallas, I was halfway there. There were places where it might have been close to 100 miles between gas stations. I'm sure it's different now, but I would have thought 30- or 40-minute response time would have been good. My last home was about 110 miles from Atlanta - 15 miles from a grocery store. I thought a 15-minute response time would have been outstanding. I wonder how many more sheriff's deputies and vehicles would be required to reliably provide a 5- or 10-minute response.

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There’s a difference between living in a rural area where the risks of not protecting your own home are well known, and living in a moderate crime neighborhood in close proximity to people who you’ve called the cops on before. If police can’t get to an active shooting in a suburban area within 10 minutes there’s a big problem.

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If so, it is a pervasive problem. The response time at the Nashville church school shooting was a remarkable 8 minutes and 6 people were killed. Great work by the responders who prevented more deaths in a victim-rich environment. In general, though, LEO responders are there to collect evidence. As I'm writing this, the police have just identified a suspect in a shooting in downtown Atlanta. Despite near instantaneous response, four people were shot and the suspect is still at large.

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