
Some people bend over backwards to attack the media. Or imply they’re doing something wrong.

Why shouldn’t the media report what he says? It’s news. And valid to know. Of course he should shut up, but why blame the media for doing its job, an important one for the public?

I was appalled at what trump said. He’s a national security threat, and he will be until he’s gone and dead. Democracy in the word will be better off when he is, but these attitudes remain. And rationalizations like “he’s right about Putin” don’t help. He said way more than “he’s savvy,” he called him “genius,” and said the plan was “wonderful.”

If you think trump MAY have started a big war with Russia I have a reformed democrat named Pelosi to convince you of.

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Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see - the King and the Kingdom of God!!

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Trump is running his mouth in typical Trump fashion. Meanwhile, in the middle of an international crisis, the Current Guy's administration is proving they have their priorities in the right place. They are eliminating the word, "squaw", from the names of 660 sites located on federal land. We pay people for this.

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Exactly right. Who cares that a former president is taking the side and praising a dictator who we have already announced tariffs and may actually have to go to war against. Seriously that's nothing compared to a government who would charge a word on federal sites.

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Feb 24, 2022·edited Feb 24, 2022

Whining about Trump is only a distraction to cover up the total failure by Biden and his cronies to effectively deal with real issues. Instead, they focus on useless symbology.

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