Dec 27, 2021·edited Dec 27, 2021Author

"God did not send coronavirus, but the world’s dimming of His presence has allowed it, and once released, only His mercy will stop it."

Sounds like the metaphysical equivalent of "Heads I win, Tails you lose".

"I don’t believe God cares if we get a shot or don’t get a shot."

I no longer consider myself a Christian, so take the following with that in mind. However, I do think that if you believe in a Just God, that God must care whether one gets the shot or not. Not because God wants Pfizer et al. to become rich, but in my lifetime, there's been NO simpler test for whether you care about the people around you than your willingness to get the vaccination. As much as you're doing it for yourself, you're also doing it for your friends, family, and all the people you interact with throughout the day whose name you may never have the good fortune of learning.

Maybe instead of there being a single David figure to whom God is paying attention to in order to grant mercy to others, instead each of us are being asked to be David in our own right and make a sacrifice and get over whatever personal hang-ups we have on behalf of all of those around us. I can't think of a better action that I've been able to demonstrate to friends and strangers around me that I care about them, and vice versa.

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It's like the sermon on the mount never happened with you. Jesus on multiple occasions called for Christians to care for and serve others. What exactly do you think getting vaccinated is for? The selfishness in you is mindboggling.

And God made the virus. You even agree but have the classic abuser retort of "you made me do it" ready to go.


Thank you again for another perfect example of why I'm no longer a christian.

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