Feb 10, 2021Liked by David Thornton

How much of the view that "fighting the left" is for "the greater good" comes down to demonizing Democrats for a couple of decades?

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I think that’s true. The rhetoric has to be continuously ratcheted up to keep the base engaged. It’s not just policy differences with safeguards to make sure no one goes too far, it’s a Flight 93 election where if we lose the election we lose the country.

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Finally!!! A Conservative Website For Us Never Trump Conservatives! ( The. Conservatives. In. The. Room. ) Glad To Find The Racket News.

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This writer substantially underestimates the motivations of Trump supporters. Must be getting his news from Maddow. He further misreads the polarization between the two major parties as a Trump phenomenon when it is actually been going on for decades, beginning as early as Goldwater's candidacy, when manipulation of the news was unchallenged and less urgent and pervasive, and when establishment Republicans ditched on their party rather than support Goldwater.

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I don't disagree that the polarization and Republican de-evolution were both problems pre-Trump, but they have both clearly gotten worse under Trump.

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