
And yet it remains a mystery why church membership is in a death spiral[1].

I'm curious which flavor of Kool-Aid Pastor Locke is serving at his tent revivals.

[1] https://news.gallup.com/poll/341963/church-membership-falls-below-majority-first-time.aspx

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Aug 2, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

"Love your neighbor as yourself" either needs a revival to it's deserved place of prominence, or needs to be seen as a cry from millions that they hate themselves (and are thus following the rule).

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Aug 2, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

Well said and spot on. That commandment to love our neighbors didn't include an asterisk limiting it to those we agree with politically. The problem is when people selectively apply these commandments, based on politics, or differences of opinions in other matters. If Pastor Locke truly believed in that commandment, he and others of his ilk would've asked that their congregations get vaccinated.

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Aug 2, 2021Liked by Chris J. Karr, David Thornton

If Pastor Locke gave sermons like this in the 1950s or a similar time, his toxic intermingling of politics and spiritual matters would've largely been relegated to the fringes, and wouldn't have spread much beyond his congregation. His beliefs wouldn't have gone viral on social media and spread like a wildfire, as compared to our current era. We also live in a time where excessive tribalism and polarization is becoming more commonplace rather than the exception. As a church going Christian myself, seeing Pastor Locke and others of his ilk do what they do, is painful to watch. They have done a lot of damage to the Church, and Christianity in general.

IMO, I think it would be best served if pastors, and other lay leaders of the congregations refrain from wading into partisan politics. That to me, distracts and detracts from the core of the gospel message. Also, Christians should be praying for President Biden and wishing for his success, as they should for any other presidential administration and elected officeholders. Harsh political attacks on any political leader is just not something I want to focus on when attending church. I'm thankful that in the church I attend, the sermons are nonpolitical.

True Christians would also be good citizens, and get vaccinated not because the government tells us to do so, but because we love God and love our neighbors.

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