Apr 19, 2021Liked by David Thornton

There you go again David, trying to be logical with illogical people. Several takeaways from the article and one that is extremely important. Not every shooting by a police officer is the same. Every case is different and the circumstances should be viewed openly and objectively; by all parties.

Case in point is the shooting of the 13 year old in Chicago. I have a very hard time buying the officer was in the wrong...and that's from a bleeding heart liberal. Dark of night, shots fired, individual running with gun in hand is hardly the same as Chauvin kneeling on a guys neck for more than 9 minutes. I get it, your son is dead but what the hell was a 13 year old doing on the streets at 2 or 3am with gun in hand? In the end, the cop has as much or more of right to be able to go home at night.

On the other hand the video you posted of Nazario is a classic example of a police officer who is/was clueless. His being terminated was the proper response to a guy over impressed with his badge. I was surprised to read that a paper tag should have been where a license plate belonged because every time i have had a temporary paper license, the dealer stuck it in the back window.

The Chauvin trial should be over any time now. There should be no question as to the outcome. And i agree 100%, it is a miracle more people didn't die on January 6. Apparently the Capital police didn't carry guns or there would have been far more dead.

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Very good points made David, thank you. These incidents are unfortunate, and we all wish could've been avoided. Too often though, many people tend to fall back towards their preferred narratives on both the progressive left and conservative right, whenever a civilian gets shot and sometimes killed by a law enforcement officer. In reality, the truth is more complicated and nuanced. Especially when law enforcement officers are dealing with making life and death decisions within a split second. And I really would wish that when these tragedies happen, that we would wait until the facts come out, giving a clearer picture of what actually happened. That we would look at such incidents from a dispassionate, rational frame of mind. Jumping to conclusions too fast in hopes of fulfilling a desired political narrative(whether it is a knee-jerk defense of the shooting victim or law enforcement) is never helpful to either the victim or the accused.

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You lay out a good case with good research. Based on some of your points it's hard to understand why more of the rioters haven't been killed - especially those threatening the White House and other federal and local government buildings. And it's even more perplexing when you consider the rioters attempted to burn buildings with employees inside. Maybe you should research why the other rioters deserve different handling those who caused some Congress critters to wet their pants and did maybe $50,000 in actual damage. It's pretty obvious that militarizing and fortifying DC was nothing but a political stunt that wasted millions. Please don't get the wrong idea. I hate all rioting. But I believe all riots no matter who's involved should be forcefully quelled.

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I have known people who drove more than a mile instead of pulling over. They did so because they were afraid they would be arrested and wanted to stop at a strip mall or service station. They did not want their vehicles towed from the right of way. I'm not sure they were thinking straight at the time. The cops were probably furious and thinking of ways to make a $250 towing charge seem minor in comparison.

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Looking at the Nazario video, I'm convinced that if he had followed the instruction to exit the vehicle (which would require him to pull his hands inside the vehicle) he would have been shot.

That older cop and all like him need to exit the force.

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