If you have to stand in the sun for ninety minutes to vote, then voter suppression is clearly well entrenched in Georgia. And the good Christian Republicans of said state have now made it illegal to offer water to the thirsty. What would Jesus do?

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This was the first year I've had to wait that long. My rural county has one early voting location and lines seemed consistently long. FWIW when I voted on the runoff Election Day at my normal polling place there was almost no wait.

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I won't repeat the comments i made to Steve's article other than to question you as i did him. If everything we have read about this past election is true: best turnout ever, most secure in our history why in God's name are these bills even necessary?

I don't live in Georgia but the Arizona republicans are trying to shove even worse, more stringent restrictions at us. What the hell does that say about those of you on the right?

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Well done. I would think a losing party would be fighting for more access to the polls to garner more votes for future elections.. Then, there is that operative word " think." Prepublicans stop thinking in 2016 and still ride aboard a train called reactionary. It derailed in Atlanta causing them two senate seats and now slides into a massive stone wall which will equal a democratic governor in the next gubernatorial race. Desperate, sad, and the wrong side of history, they still refuse to notice the color purple. Those who practice deception eventually deceive themselves..

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