Feb 28, 2021Liked by David Thornton

The irony of the statute was a point well made David. That said, the bigger issue isn't the idol itself, but the fact the new republican has reached the zenith of it's own moral decay and rot. If it seems harsh to say that, sorry, but when human beings have no capacity for honesty or accountability, there is nothing left to build your party on or around.

Lies have become their beacon of hope. Pretending Brian Sicknick wasn't murdered at the attack on the Capital January 6 is shameless; nearly 150 other officers were injured. Acting as if the assault wasn't real is their only out. Continuing the fabrication the election was "stolen" is apparently better than admitting you/trump were/are losers.

trump has spent his entire life as a con man. Is it any surprise the charade continues? What is frightening is seemingly smart people have fallen prey to his bullshit and are willing to sell their soul to support him. Christians' indeed.

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Feb 28, 2021Liked by David Thornton

When I saw that statue, I admit hoping that Moses came down from heaven, grabbed the golden image of Trump, and threw it into the fire. Just as the Old Testament prophet did with the golden calf the Israelites were worshipping when he came down from Sinai. Heavenly wishes aside, I don't know what is going to shake these folks on the right from their cultish worship of Trump. I don't want the Democrats to win at all, as they are collectively speaking too far to the left to my comfort. Yet, the cult of personality surrounding Trump cannot continue in the GOP, if the latter is to be the political vehicle for the rebuilding and revitalization of the conservative movement. Trump's abysmal behavior during his presidency and the continued defense of it even to today, is sapping the GOP and the conservative movement of the necessary political capital to fight against the mostly left of center policies that are being advocated by Biden and the Democrats. And not just political capital is being wasted, but intellectual credibility as well.

David, you also bring up some good historical tidbits regarding the 1912 presidential election. The consequential effects of that election cannot be ignored, especially given the talk floated around of Trump possibly forming a new party. Teddy Roosevelt managed to get 88 electoral votes, leaving President Taft with only 8(Utah and Vermont being the only states he carried). But this allowed Woodrow Wilson to win 435 electoral votes, but winning less than 42 percent of the popular vote. If you combine the popular vote totals for Roosevelt and Taft, it would've topped 50 percent. But more importantly, 18 states were decided by less than 7 percentage points. And Wilson won 14 of those states. Had the GOP not split during this election, Taft would've likely won re-election, and Woodrow Wilson would've been relegated to having a more obscure place in history. And as us conservatives know all too well, the Wilson presidency was a sorry one. That man was virulently racist, even by the standards of the early 20th century. Wilson's contempt for the Constitution's separation of powers is well known. I remember hearing Jonah Goldberg once saying that Wilson was probably the closest thing the US had to a fascist President.

One of the Ten Commandments states "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image". Republicans, Trumpists, and others on the political right would do themselves, and the country a huge favor if they would start adhering to that commandment.

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Come on man! No one worships Trump. Quite a few of us like his policies despite being aware of his personality deficiencies. The statue is nothing more than a way of trolling the media and never-Trumps who refuse to recognize that his actions on the issues are what people like about him. I will close with my congratulations to you for inspiring several pages of comments.

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