May 24, 2022Liked by Chris J. Karr

Bravo. Bring it all kicking and screaming into the light.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022

"The president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ed Litton, said the damning independent investigative report on sex abuse allegations is "long overdue."

"The rumors were always out there that these things were happening," Litton said on ABC News Live on Tuesday. "There were several attempts made at our convention meetings to bring this to light. But they were very successfully pushed down."


That's pathetic.

I keep hearing about sin this, sin that...

Repent this, forgive that...

But sin isn't the most important issue right now.

These are crimes. Serious criminality committed multiple times by the same offenders... aided by a church leadership who had more contempt for victims and survivors than the rapists and abusers themselves.

These are people who are the spearhead of the Pro-Life movement?!

This are the people tasked with spreading "The Word".

These are the people that dare with conviction to declare liberals, secularists and the like as "groomers"

Their accusations are now revealed to be confessions...

Do you know what SBC is?

It's an elaborate fraud.

A glorified religious based Ponzi scheme that is every bit as decrepit and willfully deceitful as a certain former president who has more allegiance to his wealth/sexual vices and Mammon than any notion of basic human decency. Trump is the appropriate figurehead for these smug evangelicals. Trump is the modern prophet they deserve.

The SBC was forged as a block of "believers" who saw godliness in slavery. And today what are they? A horrendous group who saw more value in the protection of sexually abusive criminals than the dignity and sanity of their victims. Should any of us be surprised?!

I have seen dead tress in swamps with more sturdy internal substance than these supposedly keepers of the faith.

Jail, prison, relentless public humiliation and the stigma of eternal shame and infamy is the only fate they deserve. And even if that were to happen if would not restore what was lost to the victims. I know. I have seen firsthand in friends and allies the damage this kind of abuse can cause.

These victims live, but they have never lived a life of true peace.

They breathe, but they never breathe the air of freedom from their past.

They feel tainted and unclean, when that burden should belong solely to those who abused them.

Oh how I hate them, the protectors of these grotesque men... men who abused their power in this manner (under the guise of religion)... and they have earned hatred and much more.

IMHO the greatest crime the SBC is currently committing is the crime of even existing.

You want to tell people that God and Christ saves? Well start by not trying to save this corrupt and spiritually damned church.

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"Who cannot now see the rot in a culture that mobilizes to exile churches that call a woman on staff a “pastor” or that invite a woman to speak from the pulpit on Mother’s Day, but dismisses rape and molestation as “distractions” and efforts to address them as violations of cherished church autonomy? In sectors of today’s SBC, women wearing leggings is a social media crisis; dealing with rape in the church is a distraction."

"It’s nearly impossible to overstate how much damage these new revelations—these necessary and long-overdue revelations—are doing to the Christian witness. No atheist, no secularists or materialists, could inflict nearly as much damage to the Christian faith as these leaders within the Christian Church have done."

"Many of those who appear in the report are misogynistic, judgmental, unforgiving, arrogant, and certain of their own righteousness. They are the martyrs and heroes of their self-created narratives. They represent much of the worst of religion and none of the best. And they have exercised enormous power."

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