An additional point or two regarding the documents:

-Declassified documents are still the property of the US Government, and not the POTUS/FPOTUS. So this isn't much of a defense.

-While a president has the ability to declassify almost everything they want to, their successor can then reclassify that information - so even if Trump had in-fact declassified the documents (which has to be proven), Biden could also have reclassified them.

- A question: does this potentially mean that Trump lied to the FBI?

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I think it does. His lawyer claimed in a letter to the FBI that there were no more classified documents at MAL. That definitely looks like a lie. Also indications that Trump may have to them directly.


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From the little bits I have read it appears their justification was largely based on the documents that had been returned and what was missing from those, and then of course from the informants. What this says in a very loud voice is that the FBI did not plant documents. Trump had already returned them to NARA. But the right really isn’t interested in the truth and will keep spouting their lies. I accidentally turned on Fox last night and heard Jesse Watters carrying on about the FBI only being at Mar-a-Lago to plant bugs. 🤦‍♀️

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