
Nothing Trump did or did not do from 11/3/2020 to now makes me want to vote for him for any elective office. More GOP efforts to defend or excuse Trump makes it more difficult for me to vote Republican.

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by David Thornton

Amen brother, Amen. We've lived through one of the worst presidencies in American history. Trump should never have been elected, but he was. We all paid dearly for his criminal actions. Now he must be held accountable.

I'm all for waiting for the courts to decide, and one would think the donald would be in a rush to clear his name. We know that's not his course of action and it's easy to see/understand why. His only real hope is to win the election and make it all go away.

As much as every criminal (not patriot, not even close) has had the cell doors close on them, the one man most responsible is still out there sucking millions of dollars from the rubes buying his happy horseshit lies. The man wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face.

Donald J trump is simply an evil man who feeds of the foolishness of others. How gullible are they? Here's the header from the Business Insider pages from today with the attached link to the story: "Trump shares bizarre video declaring 'God made Trump,' suggesting he is embracing a messianic image." https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-shares-bizarre-video-declaring-god-made-trump-2024-1

Seems only fitting on this 3rd anniversary of such an ugly time in American history we should be treated to such utter and complete nonsense.

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Jan 6Liked by David Thornton

Three years ago today, but good article.

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Doh. Correcting. Thanks.

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Jan 6Liked by David Thornton

Fourth anniversary? Actually it's been three years since that event. You might want to edit that line in your post.

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Doh. Correcting. Thanks.

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Number 1, some, yes not all, but some of the prosecutions of Jan.6 defendants were politically motivated. That is just fact, and to pretend otherwise is complete ignorance.

2. Donald Trump did NOT direct the crowd to the Capitol for the purposes of insurrection. Not one word of his speech that day even comes close to that kind of line, and, in fact, he in the speech told them to go PEACEFULLY, which, it should be noted, is conveniently left out by those intent on smearing the former President as an insurrectionist.

3. Ray Epps DID incite the mob that day, and the day before, and there is video evidence of it. If he is given a 6 month sentence for his involvement in the events of that day, it is a joke compared to others who were given harsher sentences, including some who didn't even go into the Capitol building.

I saw the events of Jan. 6th on television, and I was indeed appalled at what I was seeing, and even said to my wife, this is what rabid liberals and leftist fanatics do, why are conservatives behaving this way? This will make us look terrible in the eyes of the general public. However, as more and more of the real story comes out, there have been outlandish tales told, as well as outright fiction concerning the actual events. If you want to be taken seriously as a journalist and "Constitutionalist" as you say, you might want to give a clearer and truer assessment of that day. Btw, just to be clear, I am an avowed #nevertrumper, and have been since even before he came down the escalator in Trump tower In 2015 to announce his candidacy for President, but I AM a truthseeker.

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Ray Epps did incite the mob, but he was a MAGA mob member, not a cop. He's going to jail for it.

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I have reason to believe he was an FBI asset, don't they try and protect their own?

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Protect their own by sending him to prison? Come on.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

― Mark Twain

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To prison for 6 months? Surely even you don't think that that is a sentence worthy of incitement of insurrection or even to riot? I like the Mark Twain quote, it seems it applies to you more than me.

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So which is it? Is Epps an undercover FBI agent being protected by the government or a Trump supporter being railroaded with a harsh sentence? You seem to be claiming both.

The evidence is that Epps is a longtime Trump supporter who broke the law.

I’m looking forward to hearing more about his defamation suit against Fox. Truth is a defense against defamation but Fox hasn’t had much luck with that strategy.

And that’s where Mark Twain comes in.


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Come now, Mr. Thornton, a 6 month sentence is nothing but a slap on the wrist, and you know it. And you are supposed to be a journalist, surely you know that authorities will allow informants to be arrested, and even to be sentenced for any involvement in a crime to either protect their status as informants so as not to have any harm come to them, or to protect the integrity of the institution, in this case, the FBI, as well as the DOJ. You really need to up your game, or the next time you claim you are a conservative and a Constitutionalist, I will be forced to laugh at the mere thought.

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Which of those convicted do you believe are political prisoners and not criminals? Can you name specific individuals?

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Jan 6·edited Jan 6

David, "the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears." Nice quote from 1984, but it would appear that you have, to side with the "party line."

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“A riot that is part of a coup d’état is not very much like a riot that is part of a coup de Target”

-Kevin D. Williamson

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Preach it.

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deletedJan 6
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Jan 6Liked by David Thornton

January 6 "protest?" Really LP?

Here's the problem with your statement; We all watched it live and in living color. The politicians racing for safety; the shots fired as the criminals were trying to break through doors and windows to get to them; and who can forget the gallows erected and the cries to "hang Mike Pence?"

It will be a day that lives on in infamy and no matter how much white-washing by the sycophants, it will never go away. Wear it with pride, eh, each and ever criminal involved own it. Including your orange god.

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Who fired shots? One person, an unarmed female trespasser, was shot and killed by police. I do not believe MAGA is the sole, or even primary, violent political group.

Gallows are indeed not civil as are hanging from tree limbs, guillotines and beheadings. Assaulting the White House and injuring presidential protection personnel to the extent that plans to move the President to safety had to be implemented is also considered uncivil except by many leftists. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/secret-service-took-trump-to-underground-bunker-amid-george-floyd-protests




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A criminal trespasser who was acting aggressively towards police and not following commands was shot and the shooting was found to be justified by investigators.

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I believe the official finding was that "there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution". Somewhat different than "justified". Your argument about "acting aggressively towards police and not following commands" is the same as the circumstances in George Floyd's death. The investigation and punishment in both cases was whatever the prevailing politics required.

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Attempting to climb through a broken door window with a gun pointed at her on the other side. That's not just trespassing.

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What the heck does a gun pointed at her have to do with her culpability? Unless she broke the window, which would also make her a vandal. She probably did not even see the gun.

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Now come on Curtis didn’t you hear the state sponsored media telling us over and over how peaceful all the BLM rioters and anti Trump protesters were 😊

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“A riot that is part of a coup d’état is not very much like a riot that is part of a coup de Target”

-Kevin D. Williamson

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There is a distinct contrast between how big city cops treat left wing rioters and the way the mostly right-wing Capitol rioters were treated - and it was a riot - not a coup d'etat.

Big city governments start by sacrificing a few hundred thousand dollars' worth of police vehicles to the mob. They then allow the thugs to destroy store fronts and steal the shop owners' merchandise while destroying the business interiors and setting fires. In the unlikely event that any attempts are made to stop the riots, the rioters sue and collect millions of dollars from the local governments.


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